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mat-paginator 不显示页面信息

[英]mat-paginator does not show page info

Material paginator does not show page info.材料分页器不显示页面信息。

In official documentation, there is page info : 'Page 1 of 20' but when I run their own code locally, or in Stackblitz there is different output.在官方文档中,有页面信息:'Page 1 of 20' 但是当我在本地运行他们自己的代码时,或者在 Stackblitz 中会出现不同的输出。

It shows number of items : '1-10 of 100'它显示项目数:'1-10 of 100'

I am running same version as documentation我正在运行与文档相同的版本

Is this bug , or did I messed up some property setup?是这个错误,还是我搞砸了一些属性设置?

See images:见图片:

mat docu:垫文件: 在此处输入图像描述

stackblitz:堆栈闪电战: 在此处输入图像描述

There is a property called getRangeLabel available for MatPaginator. MatPaginator 有一个名为getRangeLabel的属性。 You can use it to change the label as you want.您可以根据需要使用它来更改标签。

In your component, set up your paginator:在您的组件中,设置您的分页器:

@ViewChild(MatPaginator, {static : false}) paginator!: MatPaginator;

Then assign a custom function in the afterViewInit:然后在 afterViewInit 中分配一个自定义函数:

ngAfterViewInit() {

    this.paginator._intl.itemsPerPageLabel = 'Your custom text';

------------------------ OR ------------------------ ------------------------------------

ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.paginator._intl.getRangeLabel = this.getRangeDisplayText;

Then set up a custom function to display the text you need:然后设置一个自定义函数来显示你需要的文本:

getRangeDisplayText = (page: number, pageSize: number, length: number) => {
  const initialText = `Displaying users`;  // customize this line
  if (length == 0 || pageSize == 0) {
    return `${initialText} 0 of ${length}`;
  length = Math.max(length, 0);
  const startIndex = page * pageSize;
  const endIndex = startIndex < length 
    ? Math.min(startIndex + pageSize, length) 
    : startIndex + pageSize;
  return `${initialText} ${startIndex + 1} to ${endIndex} of ${length}`; // customize this line

This will use whatever pageSize and length you have in your HTML or have configured in your component.这将使用您在 HTML 中或在组件中配置的任何 pageSize 和长度。

<mat-paginator [length]="dataSource.total"

If your data returns 50 records, this will show this text:如果您的数据返回 50 条记录,则会显示以下文本:

Displaying users 1 to 10 of 50显示用户 1 到 10,共 50 个

one possible fix that I came up with is add custom element我想出的一种可能的解决方法是添加自定义元素

ngAfterViewInit(): void {  
    // get mat sub component
    const list = this.customPagingItems.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName("mat-paginator-range-actions");
    if (!!list[0]) {    
      // add page info element
      const div = this.renderer.createElement("div");
      this.renderer.addClass(div, "mat-paginator-page-info");

  ngAfterViewChecked() {
    // update page info because mat-paginator is missing that
    const list = this.customPagingItems.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName("mat-paginator-page-info");
    if (!!list[0]) list[0].innerHTML = `Page ${this.currentPage.toString()} of ${this.totalPages.toString()}`;

order of elements is done in CSS by adding order property since it is display:flex (no need of directive overkill)元素的顺序是通过添加order属性在 CSS 中完成的,因为它是 display:flex (不需要指令矫枉过正)

It is possible to change the 'getRangeDisplayText' method globally.可以全局更改“getRangeDisplayText”方法。 For example:例如:

export class PaginatorIntl extends MatPaginatorIntl {
    constructor(private translateService: TranslateService) {

    public getRangeLabel = (page: number, pageSize: number, length: number) => {
        return `${this.translateService.translate('Page')} ${page + 1} ${this.translateService.translate('of')} ${Math.ceil(length / pageSize)}`;

and provide it in AppModule (or another one):并在 AppModule(或另一个)中提供它:

    // ...
    providers: [
        { provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useClass: PaginatorIntl },
        // ...
    // ...
export class AppModule {}

Also, you can provide it in unique components, if this change is not required globally:此外,如果全局不需要此更改,您可以在独特的组件中提供它:

    selector: 'app-table',
    templateUrl: './table.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./table.component.scss'],
    providers: [
        { provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useClass: PaginatorIntl },
export class TableComponent {}

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