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[英]how to get item from certain database variable?


class VideoLibrary(models.Model):
    shop_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
    shop_name = models.CharField(max_length=264)
    adress = models.TextField(max_length=264, default='')

I have here shop_name and address.我这里有店名和地址。 The thing I need is to click a button which gets shop_name from text area and match it with address.我需要的是单击一个按钮,该按钮从文本区域获取 shop_name 并将其与地址匹配。 Is there any way to do it?有什么办法吗?


as I mentioned I need to get the name of shop from text area and then show its address.正如我提到的,我需要从文本区域获取商店名称,然后显示其地址。

you can simply validate in your form POST view您可以简单地在表单 POST 视图中验证

if request.POST.get('shop_name') == request.POST.get('adress'):
    # your code when matched
    # throw error

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