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如何更新 kube 配置文件的到期日期?

[英]How can I renew the kube config file expiry date?

Today I faced an issue while running my jenkins job.今天我在运行 jenkins 作业时遇到了一个问题。 I got this error:我收到此错误:

Unable to connect to the server: error executing access token command 
"/snap/google-cloud-sdk/234/bin/gcloud config config-helper --format=json": err=fork/exec /snap/google-cloud-sdk/234/bin/gcloud: 
no such file or directory output= stderr=

After when I try to run below command the issue got resolved and jenkins job will complete successfully.当我尝试在命令下运行后,问题得到解决,jenkins 作业将成功完成。

gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster_name --region=region_name

Before run this command in my kube config file expiry date was 2022-04-25 and after running above command expiry date get changed to today (2022-05-02) only.在我的 kube 配置文件中运行此命令之前,到期日期为 2022-04-25,在运行上述命令之后,到期日期仅更改为今天 (2022-05-02)。 Here my doubt if I run my jenkins job on tomorrow (2022-05-03) my job will fail with same error right because of expiry date up to tomorrow only?在这里,我怀疑如果我在明天 (2022-05-03) 运行我的 jenkins 工作,我的工作将失败并出现同样的错误,因为到期日期只到明天?

So How can I fix this kube config file expiry date issue permanently not on daily run command?那么我该如何永久解决这个 kube 配置文件过期日期问题,而不是在日常运行命令中?

kube config file:库配置文件:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
  name: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
- context:
    cluster: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
    user: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
  name: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
current-context: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: gke_oenofile_us-west1-a_oenofile-dev-cluster
        access-token: ya29.c.b0AXv0zTMYzxRz5DGICZ0wdd1VKT_0qkZFOZ2j69BIEMNNu3p6XDSIyH3T-eO6lJM5JBsB3vmyQ4YeVxTl8_ky3vgRupyJvaFMQRsnu8uf1LiAzC1kuYCsVAwWJNk6Y4RcQOMCue1utIEOjON_z8fO-XxQZiGrzYVIlZUBMzMrOwQn-Aq5XwpcBgqn_iciDL7-Y7IKkZ4F3Q.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
        cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
        cmd-path: /snap/google-cloud-sdk/237/bin/gcloud
        expiry: "2022-05-02T11:54:40Z"
        expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
        token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
      name: gcp

screenshot of the above上面的截图

The error appears to be clear: /snap/google-cloud-sdk/234/bin/gcloud does not exist.错误似乎很清楚: /snap/google-cloud-sdk/234/bin/gcloud不存在。

You appear to be running gcloud as an (Ubuntu) Snap .您似乎正在将gcloud作为 (Ubuntu) Snap运行。 This will benefit from automatic upgrades but, you should not hard code the Snap version ( 234 ) as this folder will eventually be deleted.这将受益于自动升级,但是您不应该对 Snap 版本 ( 234 ) 进行硬编码,因为该文件夹最终将被删除。 I suspect that's what's happened.我怀疑这就是发生的事情。 You should:你应该:

#1 Reference the binary through the current folder ie /snap/google-cloud-sdk/current/bin/gcloud . #1通过current文件夹引用二进制文件,即/snap/google-cloud-sdk/current/bin/gcloud

However, since you're attempting to authenticate to the cluster using Jenkins, you should consider using a (Google Cloud Platform) Service Account (not a Kube.netes Service Account) rather than your user credentials.但是,由于您尝试使用 Jenkins 对集群进行身份验证,因此您应该考虑使用 (Google Cloud Platform) 服务帐户(而不是 Kube.netes 服务帐户)而不是您的用户凭据。

#2 See Authenticating to the Kube.netes API within GCP and external to GCP . #2请参阅在 GCP 内部外部对Kube.netes API 进行身份验证。

NOTE It's possible (??) that you could use Workload Identity Federation to federate credentials of eg Azure|AWS to GCP to authenticate to the GKE cluster.注意您可以(??)使用 工作负载身份联合将 Azure|AWS 等凭证联合到 GCP 以向 GKE 集群进行身份验证。


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