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go SDK v2中读取CloudWatch日志查询状态

[英]Reading CloudWatch log query status in go SDK v2

I'm running a CloudWatch log query through the v2 SDK for Go. I've successfully submitted the query using the StartQuery method, however I can't seem to process the results.我正在通过 v2 SDK 为 Go 运行 CloudWatch 日志查询。我已经使用 StartQuery 方法成功提交了查询,但是我似乎无法处理结果。

I've got my query ID in a variable (queryID) and am using the GetQueryResults method as follows:我在变量 (queryID) 中获取了我的查询 ID,并且正在使用 GetQueryResults 方法,如下所示:

    results, err := svc.GetQueryResults(context.TODO(), &cloudwatchlogs.GetQueryResultsInput{QueryId: queryId,})

How do I actually read the contents?我如何真正阅读内容? Specifically, I'm looking at the Status field.具体来说,我正在查看 Status 字段。 If I run the query at the command line, this comes back as a string description.如果我在命令行运行查询,这将作为字符串描述返回。 According to the SDK docs, this is a bespoke type "QueryStatus", which is defined as a string with enumerated constants .根据 SDK 文档,这是一个定制类型“QueryStatus”,它被定义为一个带有枚举常量的字符串。

I've tried comparing to the constant names, eg我试过与常量名称进行比较,例如

if results.Status == cloudwatchlogs.GetQueryResultsOutput.QueryStatus.QueryStatusComplete

but the compiler doesn't accept this.但是编译器不接受这个。 How do I either reference the constants or get to the string value itself?我如何引用常量或获取字符串值本身?

The QueryStatus type is defined in the separate types package . QueryStatus类型在单独的类型 package中定义。 The Go SDK services are all organised this way. Go SDK 服务都是这样组织的。

import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/cloudwatchlogs/types"

if res.Status == types.QueryStatusComplete {

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