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React Route v6 - useRoutes index = true 属性?

[英]React Route v6 - useRoutes index = true property?

In this case, what is the puerpose of "index=true"?在这种情况下,“index=true”的目的是什么? why do I use index=true??为什么我要使用 index=true ? (react-router-dom v6 useRoutes) (react-router-dom v6 useRoutes)

      path: 'dashboard',
      element: (
          <DashboardLayout />
      children: [
          path: 'e-commerce',
          children: [
            { element: <Navigate to="/dashboard/e-commerce/shop" replace />, index: true },
            { path: 'shop', element: <EcommerceShop /> },
            { path: 'product/', element: <EcommerceProductDetails /> },
            { path: 'list', element: <EcommerceProductList /> },

index tells react-router that it should render the provided element when you are at the index of the route . index告诉react-router当您位于route的索引处时,它应该呈现提供的element

In this case it will render <Navigate to="/dashboard/e-commerce/shop" replace /> at the /dashboard/e-commerce route.在这种情况下,它将在/dashboard/e-commerce路由处呈现<Navigate to="/dashboard/e-commerce/shop" replace /> Which will in this case make sure that the user redirects to /dashboard/e-commerce/shop if they ever accidentally land on this route.在这种情况下,这将确保用户在意外登陆这条路线时重定向到/dashboard/e-commerce/shop

The concept behind an index route becomes more clear with an example:通过示例, index路由背后的概念变得更加清晰:

<Route path="albums" element={<BaseLayout />}>
  <Route index element={<AlbumsList />} />
  <Route path=":id" element={<AlbumDetail />} />
  <Route path="new" element={<NewAlbumForm />} />

At /albums it will render:/albums它将呈现:

  <AlbumsList />

At /albums/some-unique-album-id it will render:/albums/some-unique-album-id它将呈现:

  <AlbumDetail />

At /albums/new it will render:/albums/new它将呈现:

  <NewAlbumForm />

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