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Hateoas - 找不到适合 Link(java.lang.String) 的构造函数

[英]Hateoas - No suitable constructor found for Link(java.lang.String)

For a REST API, in the controller I'm applying hateoas.对于 REST API,在 controller 中我应用了 hateoas。 When adding the part of Link in the methods, I get the follow error: Cannot resolve constructor 'Link(String)'在方法中添加链接部分时,出现以下错误: Cannot resolve constructor 'Link(String)'

In the pom.xml:在 pom.xml 中:


The code is as follows:代码如下:

public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<List<UserResponseDTO>> get() {

    // Retrieve users
    List<UserResponseDTO> responseDTOS = new ArrayList<>();
    List<User> users = userService.getUsers();

    // Convert to responseDTOS
    for (User user : users) {
        UserResponseDTO userResponseDTO = new UserResponseDTO(user.getId(), user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName());

        Link get = new Link("http://localhost:8081/user/").withRel("GET");


    return new ResponseEntity<>(responseDTOS, HttpStatus.OK);

Does anyone know how to solve this?有谁知道如何解决这个问题?

Link(String) is deprecated and may be removed in some new version. Link(String)已弃用,可能会在某些新版本中删除。 Also Link(String) uses the protected access modifier meaning you should access it only from the same package.此外, Link(String)使用受保护的访问修饰符,这意味着您只能从同一个 package 访问它。

You can still create the Link using the of static method which by the way is defined with public access modifier.您仍然可以使用 static 方法创建Link of该方法是使用公共访问修饰符定义的。

So it should be所以应该是

Link get = Link.of("http://localhost:8081/user/").withRel("GET");


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