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ElasticSearch / 使用逻辑或的 OpenSearch 术语搜索

[英]ElasticSearch / OpenSearch term search with logical OR

I have been scratching my head for a while looking at OpenSearch documentation and stackoverflow questions.我一直在挠头看 OpenSearch 文档和 stackoverflow 问题。 How can I do something like this:我怎样才能做这样的事情:

Select documents WHERE studentId in [1234, 5678] OR applicationId in [2468, 1357] . Select 文档WHERE studentId in [1234, 5678] OR applicationId in [2468, 1357]

As long as studentId exactly matches one of the supplied values, or applicationId exactly matches one of the supplied values, then that document should be included in the response.只要studentId与提供的值之一完全匹配,或者applicationId与提供的值之一完全匹配,那么该文档就应该包含在响应中。

When I want to search for multiple values for a single field and get an exact match the following works:当我想为单个字段搜索多个值并获得完全匹配时,可以执行以下操作:

            "terms": {
                "studentId":["1234", "5678"]

This will find me exact matches on studentId in [1234, 5678] .这会studentId in [1234, 5678]完全匹配的内容。

If I try to add the condition to also look for (logical or) applicationId in [2468, 1357] then the following will not work:如果我尝试添加条件以也在applicationId in [2468, 1357]则以下内容将不起作用:

            "terms": {
                "studentId":["1234", "5678"]
            "terms": {
                "applicationId":["2468", "1357"]

because this will do a logical and on the two queries.因为这将对两个查询执行逻辑和操作。 I want logical or .我想要逻辑或

I cannot use should because this returns irrelevant results.我不能使用should因为这会返回不相关的结果。 The following does not work for me:以下对我不起作用:

            "terms": {
                "studentId":["1234", "5678"]
            "terms": {
                "applicationId":["2468", "1357"]

This seems to return all results, ranked by relevance.这似乎返回所有结果,按相关性排序。 I find that the returned results do not actually match, despite the fact that this is a terms search.我发现返回的结果实际上并不匹配,尽管这是一个terms搜索。

Can you try with following query..你能试试下面的查询吗..

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "terms": {
                  "studentId":["1234", "5678"]
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "terms": {
                  "applicationId":["2468", "1357"]

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