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预填充网络表单中的字段 Drupal 9

[英]Pre-populate Fields in webform Drupal 9

Is it possible to pre-populate a drupal9 webform with values from the database?是否可以使用数据库中的值预填充 drupal9 网络表单? I have two webforms.我有两个网络表单。 Customers and Service Report.客户和服务报告。 The customer information will be filled in from the office and the service tech has to fill in the service report on site.客户信息由办公室填写,服务技术人员现场填写服务报告。

Every saved Customer has an automatically generated Submission ID.每个保存的客户都有一个自动生成的提交 ID。 on the Service Report i would like to enter the Submission ID from the Customer to per-populate the same existing fields automatically (Name,Company,Adress etc..)在服务报告上,我想输入客户的提交 ID 以自动填充相同的现有字段(姓名、公司、地址等)

is this possible?这可能吗? any help is apericated任何帮助都是 apericated

Id Lock up身份证锁定

How should the Submission ID be integrated in der ServiceReport? Submission ID 应该如何集成到 der ServiceReport 中? What is the Userstory?什么是用户故事?

for ex.例如。 you can set an Entity-field in ServiceReport (for ex Dropdown) which shows all the customers.您可以在 ServiceReport 中设置一个实体字段(对于前下拉列表),它显示所有客户。 The user can select one customer.用户可以select一个客户。 So there is a connection with the id between two tables.所以两个表之间的id是有联系的。

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