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使用 XML::LibXML 获取 XML 元素

[英]Get XML-element using XML::LibXML

I need to process xml-file in a different way depending on type element.我需要根据类型元素以不同的方式处理 xml 文件。 I use findnodes($xpath,$contextNode) method to find elements that are part of one structure.我使用findnodes($xpath,$contextNode)方法来查找属于一个结构的元素。 Elements can have two types <type>A</type> and <type>B</type> .元素可以有两种类型<type>A</type><type>B</type> Is there any way, when I process node with type B to "jump" to element with type A in order to get ID-value?有什么办法,当我处理类型为 B 的节点以“跳转”到类型为 A 的元素以获得 ID 值时?

Basically I need to be able to find out that element with id 2 and type B is in the same structure as element with id 1 and type A. Any ideas how can I jump in structure upwards?基本上我需要能够找出 id 为 2 和类型 B 的元素与 id 为 1 和类型 A 的元素处于相同的结构中。有什么想法可以让我在结构中向上跳转吗?


You can use the parent axis.您可以使用parent轴。

my ( $elementB ) = $xpc->findnodes(
   "parent::*/element[ def/type='B' ]",

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XPath provides the convenient .. shortcut. XPath 提供方便的..快捷方式。

my ( $elementB ) = $xpc->findnodes(
   "../element[ def/type='B' ]",

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Alternatively, you can use a combination of the preceding-sibling and following-sibling axes.或者,您可以组合使用preceding-sibling兄弟轴和following-sibling轴。

my ( $elementB ) = $xpc->findnodes(
   " preceding-sibling::*[ def/type='B' ]
   | following-sibling::*[ def/type='B' ]

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Outside of XPath, $node->parentNode will get the parent node.在 XPath 之外, $node->parentNode将获得父节点。 This answer focused on XPath since the OP mentioned findnodes , and because it's terser and simpler.这个答案集中在 XPath 上,因为 OP 提到findnodes ,因为它更简洁。

  1. I think this supports XPath 2, while libxml2 (used by XML::LibXML) only supports XPath 1, but these paths should be valid for both.我认为这支持 XPath 2,而 libxml2(XML::LibXML 使用)只支持 XPath 1,但这些路径应该对两者都有效。

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