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如何在同一个 terraform 资源中使用 for_each 和 count

[英]How to use for_each and count in the same terraform resource

I'm trying to pass in 2 IP addresses within the destination_cidr_block.我试图在 destination_cidr_block 中传递 2 个 IP 地址。 I used a for_each line to allow this to pass but the count is causing issues.我使用了 for_each 行来允许它通过,但计数导致了问题。 How do you write the resource block to get this to work with both?你如何编写资源块来让它与两者一起工作?

    resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route" "services_to_location" {
  for_each =  local.subnet_ids

  provider = aws.network_account
  count = var.connect_to_on_prem_vpn ? 1 : 0
  destination_cidr_block         = each.key
  transit_gateway_attachment_id  = data.aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment.test_vpn.id
  transit_gateway_route_table_id = aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table.test_vpc.id

main.tf file looks like this: main.tf 文件如下所示:

locals {
  subnet_ids = toset([


variable "connect_to_on_prem_vpn" {
  type = bool
  default = true

The issue you are having is due to the mixing of for_each and count .您遇到的问题是由于for_eachcount的混合。 If you supply for_each with an empty set, it will create 0 resource, just like count = 0 would.如果您为for_each提供一个空集,它将创建 0 个资源,就像count = 0一样。 You can leverage this to use your bool with something like this:您可以利用它来使用您的布尔值,如下所示:

locals {
  subnet_ids = var.connect_to_on_prem_vpn ? toset([
  ]) : toset([])

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route" "services_to_location" {
  for_each =  local.subnet_ids

  provider = aws.network_account
  destination_cidr_block         = each.key
  transit_gateway_attachment_id  = data.aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment.test_vpn.id
  transit_gateway_route_table_id = aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table.test_vpc.id

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