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k8s - 嵌套的 Firecracker 环境

[英]k8s - Nested Firecracker Environments

Sorry if this question might sound "convoluted" but here it goes...对不起,如果这个问题听起来“令人费解”,但它就在这里......

I'm currently designing a k8s solution based on Firecracker and Kata-containers.我目前正在设计一个基于 Firecracker 和 Kata-containers 的 k8s 解决方案。 I'd like the environment to be as isolated/secure as possible.我希望环境尽可能隔离/安全。 My thoughts around this are:我对此的想法是:

  1. deploy k8s masters as Firecracker nodes having API-server, Controller, Scheduler and etcd将 k8s master 部署为具有 API-server、Controller、Scheduler 和 etcd 的 Firecracker 节点
  2. deploy k8s workers as Firecracker nodes having Kubelet, Kube-proxy and using Kata-containers + Firecracker for deployed workload.将 k8s 工作人员部署为具有 Kubelet、Kube-proxy 并使用 Kata-containers + Firecracker 部署工作负载的 Firecracker 节点。 The workload will be a combination of MQTT cluster components and in-house developed FaaS components (probably using OpenFaaS)工作负载将是 MQTT 集群组件和内部开发的 FaaS 组件(可能使用 OpenFaaS)的组合

It's point 2 above which makes me feel a little awkward/convoluted.上面的第 2 点让我感到有点尴尬/复杂。 Am I over complicating things, introducing complexity which will cause problems related to (CNI) networking among worker nodes etc?我是否过度复杂化了事情,引入了复杂性,这将导致与工作节点之间的(CNI)网络相关的问题等? Isolation and minimizing attack vectors are all important, but maybe I'm trying "to be too much of a smartass" here :)隔离和最小化攻击向量都很重要,但也许我在这里试图“变得过于聪明”:)

I really like the concept with Firecrackers microVM architecture with reduced security risks and reduced footprint and it would make for a wonderful solution to tenant isolation.我真的很喜欢 Firecrackers microVM 架构的概念,它降低了安全风险并减少了占用空间,它将成为租户隔离的绝佳解决方案。 However, am I better of to use another CRI-conforming runtime together with Kata for the actual workload being deployed on the workers?但是,我是否最好将另一个符合 CRI 的运行时与 Kata 一起用于部署在工作人员上的实际工作负载?

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts/comments on this!非常感谢您对此的想法/评论!

You might want to take a look at https://github.com/weaveworks-liquidmetal and consider whether contributing to that would get you further towards your goal?您可能想看看https://github.com/weaveworks-liquidmetal并考虑为此做出贡献是否会让您进一步实现目标? alternative runtimes (like kata) for different workloads are welcomed in PR's. PR 中欢迎用于不同工作负载的替代运行时(如 kata)。 There is a liquid-metal slack channel in the Weaveworks user group of you have any queries.您有任何疑问的 Weaveworks 用户组中有一个液态金属松弛通道。 Disclosure I currently work at Weaveworks :)披露我目前在 Weaveworks 工作:)

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