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如何在 Apex Salesforce 中基于 1 个键显示地图的列表值?

[英]How to display Map's list value based on 1 key in Apex Salesforce?

Hello beautiful people,你好美丽的人,

I have a scenario where I am defining a Map with string key and a list.我有一个场景,我正在使用字符串键和列表定义 Map。 Now, I want to put values in a list one by one and also display them using the single Key.现在,我想将值一个一个地放入列表中,并使用单个键显示它们。 Example code -示例代码 -

Map<string,List<Account>> accountMap = new Map<string,List<Account>>();

//How to insert values. I am using this but no luck-
for(Account acc = [Select Id, Name from Account]){



//Lets say we have data. How to display any **specific** value from the middle of the list. I am using this but no luck-

Please help.请帮忙。

Using account id as example is terrible idea because they'll be unique -> your lists would always have size 0. But yes, you should be able to do something like that.以帐户 ID 为例是个糟糕的主意,因为它们将是唯一的 -> 您的列表的大小始终为 0。但是,是的,您应该能够做类似的事情。

Your stuff doesn't even compile, you can't use "=" in for(Account acc = [SELECT...]) .你的东西甚至不能编译,你不能在for(Account acc = [SELECT...])中使用“=”。

Let's say you have accounts and some of them have duplicate names.假设您有帐户,其中一些帐户有重名。 This would be close to what you need:这将接近您的需要:

Map<string,List<Account>> accountMap = new Map<string,List<Account>>();
for(Account acc : [SELECT Name, Description FROM Account LIMIT 100]){
    } else {
        accountMap.put(acc.Id, new List<Account>{acc});

and then yes, if you'd have the key you can access accountMap.get('Acme Inc.')[0].Id然后是的,如果您有密钥,您可以访问accountMap.get('Acme Inc.')[0].Id

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