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我可以使用 DLQ 为带有 RabbitMQ 的 Spring Cloud Stream 配置最大尝试吗

[英]Can I configure max tries for Spring Cloud Stream with RabbitMQ using DLQ

I'm working with Spring Cloud Stream and Rabbit, and I used the config defined here to set up a dead-letter queue (DLQ) and it works very nicely.我正在使用 Spring Cloud Stream 和 Rabbit,我使用此处定义的配置来设置死信队列 (DLQ),它工作得非常好。

What I'd like to do is set a maximum amount of times a message goes to the DLQ before being discarded - is is possible to set this via config?我想做的是设置消息在被丢弃之前进入 DLQ 的最大次数 - 可以通过配置设置吗? If so, how?如果是这样,怎么做? If not, what should I do to achieve this behaviour?如果没有,我应该怎么做才能实现这种行为?

I'm looking for a code sample for the best answer, preferably in Kotlin (if relevant)我正在寻找最佳答案的代码示例,最好是在 Kotlin 中(如果相关)

That depends whether you're using qurorum queues or not.这取决于您是否使用仲裁队列。 I don't believe there's a default config for that without quorum queues.我不相信没有仲裁队列的默认配置。 However, you should be able to store the redelivery count within a custom header or in the message itself.但是,您应该能够将重新投递计数存储在自定义标头或消息本身中。

Then if you set a MAX_REDELIVERY_COUNT constant in your application, you can check if the message exceeds the maximum number of redeliveries.然后如果你在你的应用程序中设置了一个MAX_REDELIVERY_COUNT常量,你可以检查消息是否超过了最大重新传递次数。

If you're not using quorum queues, I'd take a look at this answer: How do I set a number of retry attempts in RabbitMQ?如果您不使用仲裁队列,我会看看这个答案: 如何在 RabbitMQ 中设置重试次数? . . This answer has quite some good options.这个答案有一些不错的选择。

However, when using quorum queues, you can set the delivery-limit option.但是,在使用仲裁队列时,您可以设置delivery-limit选项。 More info on that can be found here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/quorum-queues.html#feature-matrix .更多信息可以在这里找到: https ://www.rabbitmq.com/quorum-queues.html#feature-matrix。


Edit 1: using custom headers编辑 1:使用自定义标题

In order to publish a message with custom headers:为了发布带有自定义标头的消息:

Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
headers.put("latitude",  51.5252949);
headers.put("longitude", -0.0905493);

channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, routingKey,
             new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()

As found on https://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#publishing .如在https://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#publishing上找到的。

The problem is that the headers can't be simply updated.问题是标题不能简单地更新。 However, you could do this with a workaround.但是,您可以使用解决方法来做到这一点。 Let's say you want a maximum of 5 retries per message.假设您希望每条消息最多重试 5 次。 If the message can't be processed, send it to a DLX.如果无法处理消息,请将其发送到 DLX。 If the message doesn't exceed the maximum retries, read the original headers of the message, update the custom retry count header and resend it to the original queue.如果消息没有超过最大重试次数,则读取消息的原始标头,更新自定义重试计数标头并将其重新发送到原始队列。

If the message gets in de DLX and does exceed the maximum retry count, send the message as is to the DLX with a different routing key, which is bound to a queue for the "definitive" dead messages.如果消息进入 de DLX 并且确实超过了最大重试次数,则使用不同的路由键将消息按原样发送到 DLX,该路由键绑定到“最终”死消息的队列。

That'd mean that you would get something like this in a simplified diagram:这意味着你会在一个简化的图表中得到类似的东西: 在此处输入图像描述

This is just an idea, I don't know if it'll work for sure, but it's the best that I can think of in your situation.这只是一个想法,我不知道它是否肯定会起作用,但这是我能想到的在你的情况下最好的。

Edit 2: using the autoBindDlq编辑 2:使用 autoBindDlq

It seems like the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for RabbitMQ has this option.似乎 RabbitMQ 的 Spring Cloud Stream Binder 有这个选项。 In the docs as found on https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-rabbit , it says the following:https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-rabbit上的文档中,它说明了以下内容:

By using the optional autoBindDlq option, you can configure the binder to create and configure dead-letter queues (DLQs) (and a dead-letter exchange DLX , as well as routing infrastructure).通过使用可选的autoBindDlq选项,您可以配置绑定器以创建和配置死信队列 (DLQ)(以及死信交换DLX以及路由基础设施)。 By default, the dead letter queue has the name of the destination, appended with .dlq .默认情况下,死信队列具有目的地名称,附加.dlq If retry is enabled ( maxAttempts > 1 ), failed messages are delivered to the DLQ after retries are exhausted.如果启用了重试( maxAttempts > 1 ),则在重试用尽后,失败的消息将传递到 DLQ。 If retry is disabled ( maxAttempts = 1 ), you should set requeueRejected to false (the default) so that failed messages are routed to the DLQ, instead of being re-queued.如果禁用重试 ( maxAttempts = 1 ),则应将requeueRejected设置为false (默认值),以便将失败的消息路由到 DLQ,而不是重新排队。 In addition, republishToDlq causes the binder to publish a failed message to the DLQ (instead of rejecting it).此外, republishToDlq会导致 binder 将失败的消息发布到 DLQ(而不是拒绝它)。 This feature lets additional information (such as the stack trace in the x-exception-stacktrace header) be added to the message in headers.此功能允许将附加信息(例如x-exception-stacktrace标头中的堆栈跟踪)添加到标头中的消息中。 See the frameMaxHeadroom property for information about truncated stack traces.有关截断堆栈跟踪的信息,请参阅frameMaxHeadroom属性。 This option does not need retry enabled.此选项不需要启用重试。 You can republish a failed message after just one attempt.您可以在一次尝试后重新发布失败的消息。 Starting with version 1.2, you can configure the delivery mode of republished messages.从版本 1.2 开始,您可以配置重新发布消息的传递模式。 See the republishDeliveryMode property.请参阅republishDeliveryMode属性。


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