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IconButton onPressed 不工作 | InkWell onTap 不工作 | Flutter

[英]IconButton onPressed not working | InkWell onTap not working | Flutter

So I've seen this weird behaviour in flutter and that is when I'm using a SvgPicture as a child widget to IconButton or InkWell.所以我在 flutter 中看到了这种奇怪的行为,那是当我使用 SvgPicture 作为 IconButton 或 InkWell 的子窗口小部件时。

I've this card which has two parts separated by a divider.我有这张卡片,它有两个部分,中间用分隔线隔开。 First part is a TextWidget which shows the card name and the Second part is a SVG (add button icon)第一部分是显示卡片名称的 TextWidget,第二部分是 SVG(添加按钮图标)

  elevation: 0,
  child: Column(
    children: [
        color: dividerColor,
         color: iconColor,

What I want to do?我想做的事? I want to be able to execute a function whenever this card is clicked (be that it's cardName or the SVG icon that I'm using)我希望能够在单击此卡时执行 function(无论是 cardName 还是我正在使用的 SVG 图标)

What I did?我做了什么?

  1. I wrapped this whole card inside an InkWell and added onTap callback.我将整张卡片包裹在 InkWell 中并添加了 onTap 回调。 Now the problem with it is that the function only gets executed when the card's name is clicked.现在的问题是 function 只有在单击卡片名称时才会执行。 No matter how much I click on the SVG icon, it never gets called.无论我点击 SVG 图标多少次,它都不会被调用。
  2. Then I also tried adding another InkWell as a parent to this SVG icon but with no luck.然后我还尝试将另一个 InkWell 作为父级添加到这个 SVG 图标,但没有成功。 It never gets called no matter how much I click.无论我点击多少,它都不会被调用。
  3. I thought there might be some issue with me using InkWell as this SVG's parent.我认为使用 InkWell 作为此 SVG 的父对象可能会出现一些问题。 I then wrapped this SVG inside an IconButton and tried to give it an onPressed callback.然后我将这个 SVG 包装在一个 IconButton 中并试图给它一个 onPressed 回调。 This did not work either.这也不起作用。

No matter where I put InkWell, the callback only gets executed when I click the card name and not the whole card or the SVG icon.无论我将 InkWell 放在哪里,回调只会在我单击卡片名称而不是整个卡片或 SVG 图标时执行。

Any idea what I'm doing wrong and how I can resolve this?知道我做错了什么以及如何解决这个问题吗?

EDIT: The whole widget looks like this:编辑:整个小部件看起来像这样:

InkWell renderCard(
      BuildContext context,
      String cardName,
      int index,
      int? counter,
      Color dividerColor,
      Color textColor,
      Color iconColor,
      void Function() onPress) {
    return InkWell(
      onTap: onPress,
      child: Card(
        elevation: 0,
        color: index == counter ? cPrimaryColor : cSecondaryColor,
        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(cDefaultPadding),
        child: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: cDefaultPadding),
          child: Column(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
            children: [
                style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(
                    color: textColor,
                        2.2 * TextSizeConfig.blockSizeVertical!.toDouble()),
                color: dividerColor,
                color: iconColor,
                'ADD DOCUMENT',
                style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium!.copyWith(
                    color: textColor,
                        1.5 * TextSizeConfig.blockSizeVertical!.toDouble()),

Overall Structure: SafeArea -> SingleChildScrollView -> Column -> Stack -> Column -> renderCard总体结构:SafeArea -> SingleChildScrollView -> Column -> Stack -> Column -> renderCard

I tested your icon and here is my code:我测试了你的图标,这是我的代码:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
    backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      body: Center(
        child: InkWell(
          onTap: (() => print('tapped')),
          child: Card(
            elevation: 0,
            child: Column(
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
              children: [
                const Text('name'),
                const Divider(color: Colors.red,),
                SvgPicture.asset('assets/icons/plus.svg', color: Colors.blue,)

As I click on the icon, it works.当我单击该图标时,它起作用了。 See here这里

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