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ADAL 在 ASP Net Core 中与 OpenIdConnect 一起使用吗

[英]Is ADAL used in ASP Net Core with OpenIdConnect

I have an old web application in ASP .Net core 2.1 which is authenticating users against Azure AD.我在 ASP .Net core 2.1 中有一个旧的 Web 应用程序,它针对 Azure AD 对用户进行身份验证。

Give the fact that Microsoft will end support for ADAL, recommending to move to MSAL, I need to figure out if my application will still work, and if is using ADAL考虑到 Microsoft 将终止对 ADAL 的支持,建议迁移到 MSAL,我需要确定我的应用程序是否仍然可以工作,以及是否正在使用 ADAL

Does anyone know if ADAL is used in .AddOpenIdConnect Version= ?有谁知道 ADAL 是否用于 .AddOpenIdConnect Version= ?

// Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect, Version=

              .AddOpenIdConnect(option =>
                  option.ClientId = ClientId;
                  option.ClientSecret = ClientSecret;
                  option.Authority = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/{Tenant}";
                  option.Resource = "https://graph.windows.net";
                  option.SignedOutRedirectUri = SignedOutRedirectUri;
                  option.CorrelationCookie.Name = "cookie name";
                  option.NonceCookie.Name = "nonce name";
                  option.NonceCookie.SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.Always;                
                  option.CorrelationCookie.SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.Always;

Yes, your resource URL https://graph.windows.net points to the token endpoint for Azure AD Graph (ADAL)是的,您的资源 URL https://graph.windows.net指向Azure AD Graph (ADAL)的令牌端点

The token endpoint for MS Graph (MSAL) is https://graph.microsoft.com MS Graph (MSAL)的令牌端点是https://graph.microsoft.com

Here is extended information about planning your app migration以下是有关规划应用迁移的扩展信息

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