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从家庭网络上的不同计算机连接到 SSRS

[英]Connect to SSRS from different computer on home network

I am trying to access the SSRS web portal.我正在尝试访问 SSRS 门户网站。 I have SQL Server and Report Server installed on laptop with Windows 10. I want to access this from another laptop running windows 11 that is connected to the same home internet network.我在装有 Windows 10 的笔记本电脑上安装了 SQL Server 和 Report Server。我想从另一台运行 Windows 11 的笔记本电脑访问它,该笔记本电脑连接到同一个家庭互联网网络。

The web portal works fine when I access it from the computer running Report Server:当我从运行 Report Server 的计算机访问 Web 门户时,它工作正常:


But when I try to access the url from another the other computer on the same network, the page just doesn't load:但是,当我尝试从同一网络上的另一台计算机访问 url 时,页面只是不加载:


I tried to follow the instructions from this site: https://askgarth.com/blog/why-cant-i-access-my-ssrs-site-remotely/我尝试按照此站点的说明进行操作: https ://askgarth.com/blog/why-cant-i-access-my-ssrs-site-remotely/

I opened port 80 TCP protocol in windows firewall to allow connections.我在 Windows 防火墙中打开了端口 80 TCP 协议以允许连接。

I think that the issue may be the profile to which the rule applies:我认为问题可能是该规则适用的配置文件:


The instructions I tried to follow said to open up the Domain.我尝试遵循的说明说要打开域。 I also tried the Private option and still no luck.我也尝试了私人选项,但仍然没有运气。

I'm nervous about opening up ports on my firewall.我对在防火墙上打开端口感到紧张。 But how can I set this up to access the Report Server from another computer on my network?但是如何设置它以从我网络上的另一台计算机访问报表服务器?

I've just checked my setup which is basically the same...我刚刚检查了我的设置,基本上是一样的......

  • 'Server' Desktop running Windows 10 Pro: Hosts SQL Server 2019 and SSRS运行 Windows 10 Pro 的“服务器”桌面:托管 SQL Server 2019 和 SSRS
  • 'Client' Desktop running Windows 11: Accessing SSRS from here运行 Windows 11 的“客户端”桌面:从此处访问 SSRS

I checked the 'server' PC and the only SQL specific ports that are open are TCP port 1433 to allow me to access the database engine via SSMS etc from the 'client' PC and TCP port 80 (both are setup to domain + private although domain should be irrelevant)我检查了“服务器”PC,唯一打开的 SQL 特定端口是 TCP 端口 1433,以允许我通过 SSMS 等从“客户端”PC 和 TCP 端口 80 访问数据库引擎(两者都设置为域 + 私有,尽管域应该无关紧要)

I don't normally access the SSRS portal from the 'client' but it did work in as far as it said I do not have access to any reports, but it was showing the web portal page itself just fine.我通常不会从“客户端”访问 SSRS 门户,但它确实可以正常工作,因为它说我无权访问任何报告,但它显示 Web 门户页面本身就很好。

You have probably done all this but here are a few things you could try...你可能已经完成了所有这些,但这里有一些你可以尝试的事情......

  1. Check if your version of Win10 is supported.检查是否支持您的 Win10 版本。 If it's Win10 home for example it may not support everything required but this is just a guess.例如,如果它是 Win10 家庭版,它可能不支持所需的一切,但这只是一个猜测。
  2. Ping the server from the host and make sure you get a response (assuming PING response has not been turned off)从主机 ping 服务器并确保您得到响应(假设 PING 响应尚未关闭)
  3. Check server firewall allows incoming on ports TCP 80 and TCP 1433 (1433 should not be required but you can always switch this off later)检查服务器防火墙是否允许 TCP 80 和 TCP 1433 端口上的传入(1433 应该不是必需的,但您以后可以随时将其关闭)
  4. Attempt access using the server ip eg尝试使用服务器 ip 访问,例如http://
  5. If this all fails, turn off the windows firewall and test again.如果这一切都失败了,请关闭 Windows 防火墙并再次测试。 You can always disconnect your router from the internet whilst you do this to be safe.为了安全起见,您可以随时断开路由器与互联网的连接。 If this works then you at least know it's a firewall issue.如果这可行,那么您至少知道这是防火墙问题。
  6. Check if you have any 3rd party anti-virus software that might be acting as a firewall - turn off and test again.检查您是否有任何可能充当防火墙的第 3 方防病毒软件 - 关闭并再次测试。

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