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Xamarin - 如何通过 shell 导航传递参数

[英]Xamarin - How to pass parameters with shell navigation

I have been searching everywhere how to achieve passing parameters with shell navigation but I can't get this to work.我一直在到处寻找如何通过 shell 导航实现传递参数,但我无法让它工作。

This is the line where I navigate to my InvoicePage这是我导航到我的InvoicePage的行

await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//main/InvoicePage?total ={ lblTotalCart.Text.Trim('€')}");

What I want is to be able to retrieve the value on my View Model but I'm trying at least on my ContentPage and it is not working.我想要的是能够检索我的视图模型上的值,但我至少在我的 ContentPage 上尝试并且它不起作用。

    [QueryProperty("Total", "total")]
    public partial class InvoicePage : ContentPage
        string total;
        public string Total
                total = Uri.UnescapeDataString(value ?? string.Empty);
                return total;


        public InvoicePage()

            BindingContext = new InvoiceViewModel(Total);

Tried the same on my ViewModel and it is also not working.在我的 ViewModel 上尝试了同样的方法,它也无法正常工作。

Here is my View.这是我的观点。 I just have a Label to test it我只有一个标签来测试它

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
            <Label Text="{Binding Total}"
                HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />


I tried doing this on my ViewModel but it still doesn't return anything我尝试在我的 ViewModel 上执行此操作,但它仍然没有返回任何内容

[QueryProperty("Total", "Total")]
    public class InvoiceViewModel : BindableObject
        string _total;
        public string Total


                    _total = Uri.UnescapeDataString(value);
                catch (Exception ex)


            get { return _total; }


Then on my InvoicePage I have this然后在我的InvoicePage我有这个

    public partial class InvoicePage : ContentPage

        public InvoicePage()
            BindingContext = new InvoiceViewModel();

I don't know if it is because of the route that is faling.我不知道是不是因为路线正在下降。 Here is my AppShell这是我的AppShell

 <TabBar Route="main">
        <Tab Route="CategoryPage" Title="Explorar" Icon="tab_feed.png">
            <ShellContent  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:CategoryPage}" />
        <Tab Route="CartPage" Title="Carrito" Icon="tab_feed.png">
            <ShellContent  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:CartPage}" />
        <Tab Route="InvoicePage" Title="Factura" Icon="tab_feed.png">
            <ShellContent  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:InvoicePage}" />

And here are the routes I registered这是我注册的路线

public AppShell()

            Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof(CategoryPage), typeof(CategoryPage));
            Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof(CartPage), typeof(CartPage));
            Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof(InvoicePage), typeof(InvoicePage));

How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点? Please help, I don't know what else I can do.请帮忙,我不知道我还能做什么。 Thanks.谢谢。

The BindingContext is not set at the right time in your code. BindingContext未在您的代码中正确设置。

When we navigate to page InvoicePage , above code is executed in the following order:当我们导航到InvoicePage页面时,上面的代码按以下顺序执行:

1.the constructor of page InvoicePage InvoicePage页面的构造函数

    public InvoicePage()

        //BindingContext = new InvoiceViewModel(Total);

2.get the passed data from previous page: 2.从上一页获取传递的数据:

            total = Uri.UnescapeDataString(value ?? string.Empty);
            // other code

So, we should set the BindingContext for page InvoicePage after we get the passed data.因此,我们应该在获得传递的数据后为页面InvoicePage设置BindingContext

You can refer to the following code:您可以参考以下代码:

    [QueryProperty("Total", "total")]
    public partial class InvoicePage : ContentPage
        string total;
        public string Total
                total = Uri.UnescapeDataString(value ?? string.Empty);

               // here we can get the passed data and set the `BindingContext` for page `InvoicePage`

                 BindingContext = this;

               // OnPropertyChanged();
                return total;


        public InvoicePage()

        // other code


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