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错误:无法找到或加载主类 org.apache.tez.dag.app.DAGAppMaster

[英]Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.tez.dag.app.DAGAppMaster

I have installed tez and want to run the example like this我已经安装了 tez 并想像这样运行示例

hadoop jar tez-examples-0.10.1.jar orderedwordcount /input /output

but it's not work and the log is但它不起作用,日志是

Log Type: stderr

Log Upload Time: Thu May 12 13:19:25 +0800 2022

Log Length: 77

Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.tez.dag.app.DAGAppMaster

Log Type: stdout

Log Upload Time: Thu May 12 13:19:25 +0800 2022

Log Length: 716

 PSYoungGen      total 17920K, used 921K [0x00000000eef00000, 0x00000000f0300000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 15360K, 6% used [0x00000000eef00000,0x00000000eefe67a8,0x00000000efe00000)
  from space 2560K, 0% used [0x00000000f0080000,0x00000000f0080000,0x00000000f0300000)
  to   space 2560K, 0% used [0x00000000efe00000,0x00000000efe00000,0x00000000f0080000)
 ParOldGen       total 40960K, used 0K [0x00000000ccc00000, 0x00000000cf400000, 0x00000000eef00000)
  object space 40960K, 0% used [0x00000000ccc00000,0x00000000ccc00000,0x00000000cf400000)
 Metaspace       used 2541K, capacity 4480K, committed 4480K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 283K, capacity 384K, committed 384K, reserved 1048576K

my_env.sh is my_env.sh 是

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/module/jdk1.8.0_331

export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/module/hadoop-3.3.2

export HIVE_HOME=/opt/module/hive-3.1.3
export PATH=$PATH:$HIVE_HOME/bin

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/module/maven-3.8.5

export TEZ_HOME=/opt/module/tez-0.10.1
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=${TEZ_HOME}/conf:${TEZ_HOME}/*:${TEZ_HOME}/lib/*

tez-site.xml is tez-site.xml 是

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

I have tried answer https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TEZ-3392 but it's not work.我已经尝试回答https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TEZ-3392但它不起作用。 Please help me in resolving this.Thanks in Advance!!!请帮我解决这个问题。在此先感谢!!!

I had the similar error message with running tez example.我在运行 tez 示例时遇到了类似的错误消息。 The installation guide https://tez.apache.org/install.html is not so obious, but has some valueable notes.安装指南https://tez.apache.org/install.html没有那么明显,但有一些有价值的说明。

Helpful was an application tracking page where from logs i found out that path in the container after decompress tez archive is incorrect.有用的是一个应用程序跟踪页面,我从日志中发现解压缩 tez 存档后容器中的路径不正确。 The whole archive is decompressed to the directory called ./tezlib and excerpt of CLASSPATH looks like that:整个存档被解压缩到名为./tezlib的目录中,CLASSPATH 的摘录如下所示:


but archive apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.tar.gz (on my HDFS in path /apps/apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.tar.gz) is decompressed inside a container to ./tezlib/apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.但是存档 apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.tar.gz(在我的 HDFS 上的路径 /apps/apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.tar.gz)在容器内解压缩到 ./tezlib/apache- tez-0.10.1-bin。

So, after several hours trial and error i resolved this issue in the following steps:因此,经过几个小时的反复试验,我通过以下步骤解决了这个问题:

tar -xf apache-tez-0.10.1-bin.tar.gz
tar -czf apache-tez-0.10.1-bin-nodir.tar.gz -C apache-tez-0.10.1-bin .
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal apache-tez-0.10.1-bin-nodir.tar.gz /apps/

The second line above pack tez jars into an archive without parent directory.上面的第二行将 tez jar 打包到没有父目录的存档中。 After that tez example runs without error and finishes succeed.之后 tez 示例运行没有错误并成功完成。

My tez-site.xml:我的 tez-site.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>



Of course there are propably another ways to manage this error with incorrect path to jars.当然,可能还有另一种方法可以通过不正确的 jar 路径来管理此错误。

I've tested that at hadoop 3.2.2 from bigtop distribution and tez 0.10.0/0.10.1.我已经在 bigtop 发行版和 tez 0.10.0/0.10.1 的 hadoop 3.2.2 上对其进行了测试。

I had solved my question by upload to hdfs an uncompressed tez package and change my tez-site.xml file.我通过将未压缩的 tez 包上传到 hdfs 并更改我的 tez-site.xml 文件解决了我的问题。

hadoop fs -put tez-0.10.1 /apps/tez

My changed tez-site.xml我更改的 tez-site.xml

The main different place is "tez.lib.uris"主要不同的地方是“tez.lib.uris”

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

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