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Twitter API 增加速率限制

[英]Twitter API increase rate limit

I need Twitter data for my master thesis.我的硕士论文需要 Twitter 数据。 I want to apply for the academic access, however I read that there is a rate limit of 300 requests/15 minutes.我想申请学术访问,但是我读到有 300 个请求/15 分钟的速率限制。 How can I understand that, I would need almost a year to pull 10M tweets?我怎么能理解,我需要将近一年的时间才能拉出 1000 万条推文? Is there a way to pull more tweets in these 15 minutes?有没有办法在这 15 分钟内拉出更多推文?

Background: I want to get all tweets referring to specific companies, so I want to search for cashtags.背景:我想获取所有提到特定公司的推文,所以我想搜索现金标签。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

It would only take almost a year if each request was a single Tweet.如果每个请求都是一条推文,则只需要将近一年的时间。 I haven't looked at the API, but they surely have endpoints that allow you to get lists of tweets matching your criteria in a single request.我没有查看 API,但它们肯定有端点,允许您在单个请求中获取与您的条件匹配的推文列表。 You should be fine with that rate limit for your research.你应该对你的研究的速率限制很好。

I know it's probably too late but i'm undergoing something similar and found a really useful resource called SNScrape.我知道这可能为时已晚,但我正在经历类似的事情,并找到了一个非常有用的资源,称为 SNScrape。 This python module allows for unlimited tweet search requests without the use of the api.此 python 模块允许在不使用 api 的情况下进行无限制的推文搜索请求。 Below I'v attached a useful video which I stumbled across.下面我附上了一个我偶然发现的有用视频。 Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

https://youtu.be/jtIMnmbnOFo https://youtu.be/jtIMnmbnOFo

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