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升级 Odoo V12 --> V15 (CE)

[英]Upgrade Odoo V12 --> V15 (CE)

Currently, I'm using Odoo 12 community version on my local system now I want to upgrade from Odoo 12.0 to Odoo 15.0 (CE).目前,我在本地系统上使用 Odoo 12 社区版本,现在我想从 Odoo 12.0 升级到 Odoo 15.0 (CE)。

I tried online but it's asking Enterprise subscription code.我在网上试过,但它要求企业订阅代码。

When I tried with command as given below giving me following error.当我尝试使用下面给出的命令时,出现以下错误。 python3.7 <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade ) test -d -t 15.0 python3.7 <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade ) 测试-d -t 15.0

Unable to get the subscription code of your database.无法获取您的数据库的订阅代码。 Your database must be registered to be eligible for an upgrade.您的数据库必须注册才有资格升级。

Anyone, please help me, I would be very thankful.任何人,请帮助我,我将非常感激。 Thank You谢谢你

Upgrade feature is available only for the Odoo Enterprise customers.升级功能仅适用于 Odoo 企业客户。 You can try https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade or convert your Odoo version to Enterprise您可以尝试https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade或将您的 Odoo 版本转换为企业版

Follow the steps described in Running the migration .按照运行迁移中描述的步骤进行操作。

For versions earlier than 14.0, you will need to run the OpenUpgrade fork rather than Odoo itself.对于 14.0 之前的版本,您将需要运行 OpenUpgrade fork 而不是 Odoo 本身。

First, you will need to upgrade from 12 to 13首先,您需要从 12 升级到 13

Or, for older versions: check out the OpenUpgrade source code from Github for the branches you need.或者,对于旧版本:从 Github 查看 OpenUpgrade 源代码以获得您需要的分支。 Each branch migrates to its version from the previous version, so branch 13.0 migrates from 12.0 to 13.0.每个分支从以前的版本迁移到它的版本,所以分支 13.0 从 12.0 迁移到 13.0。 If you are migrating across multiple versions, you need to run each version of OpenUpgrade in order.如果要跨多个版本迁移,则需要按顺序运行每个版本的 OpenUpgrade。 Skipping versions is not supported.不支持跳过版本。

The OpenUpgrade repository includes both openupgrade_framework and openupgrade_scripts: OpenUpgrade 存储库包括 openupgrade_framework 和 openupgrade_scripts:

https://github.com/OCA/openupgrade https://github.com/OCA/openupgrade

Edit the configuration files and command line parameters to point to the database you are going to upgrade.编辑配置文件和命令行参数以指向您要升级的数据库。 The recommended command line parameters are the:推荐的命令行参数是:

--update all --stop-after-init --load=base,web,openupgrade_framework flags.  

For versions earlier than 14.0 that are running the OpenUpgrade fork rather than Odoo itself, you do not pass the load parameter.对于运行 OpenUpgrade fork 而不是 Odoo 本身的 14.0 之前的版本,您不传递 load 参数。


Check the OCA Days 2021 - Raúl Ortiz: Open Upgrade Discussion for more details.查看2021 年 OCA 日 - Raúl Ortiz:公开升级讨论了解更多详情。

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