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java spring openApi:swagger请求返回状态码403

[英]java spring openApi : swagger request returns status code 403

I've a springboot/openapi application.我有一个 springboot/openapi 应用程序。 No dependency on spring security.不依赖弹簧安全性。 When launching a POST request via swagger, the returned status is 403. The request doesn't arrive in the controller class.通过 swagger 发起 POST 请求时,返回状态为 403。请求未到达控制器类。 A Get request however does work and returns a status 200.但是,Get 请求确实有效并返回状态 200。


The following is configured以下是配置

public class Config {

        ForwardedHeaderFilter forwardedHeaderFilter() {
            return new ForwardedHeaderFilter();


  port: 50086
  forward-headers-strategy: framework
  use-forward-headers: true

What could be the cause of the status 403 ?状态 403 的原因可能是什么?


public class TaController {

    @Operation(summary = "Calculate")
    @RequestMapping(value = "/calculateWithPrices", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<CaculationResponseDto> calculateWithPrices(@RequestBody CaculationWithPricesRequestDto caculationWithPricesRequestDto) {

        // code ...


Try to add a SecurityConfig which inherits from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.尝试添加一个继承自 WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter 的 SecurityConfig。 Example is here .例子在这里
With the method configure you can set the access to specific url-endpoints and allow the call on them.使用 configure 方法,您可以设置对特定 url-endpoints 的访问并允许对其进行调用。

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private CustomAuthenticationProvider authProvider;

    public void configAuthentication(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

        // Deactivate authorization for whole application
//        http.authorizeHttpRequests().antMatchers("/**").permitAll().and().csrf().disable();

Class CustomAuthenticationProvider:类 CustomAuthenticationProvider:

public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {

private ICustomerRepository customerRepository;

public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {

    String id = authentication.getName().toString();
    String pin = authentication.getCredentials().toString();

    try {
        // Check if the customer passed in Username exists
        CustomerDTO customer = customerRepository.findById(Long.parseLong(id)).orElseThrow();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        throw new BadCredentialsException(id);

    Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = Collections
            .singleton(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_CUSTOMER"));

    return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(id, pin, authorities);

public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
    return authentication.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);


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