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rvm 得到“未定义的方法'空?' 对于 nil:NilClass" 在 macOS 上安装 Ruby

[英]rvm gets "undefined method 'empty?' for nil:NilClass" installing Ruby on macos

I'm trying to install Ruby 3.0.x using rvm on a 2018 Mac mini.我正在尝试在 2018 Mac mini 上使用 rvm 安装 Ruby 3.0.x。 I couldn't install 3.0.4, 3.0.2, 3.0.0 (then I tried 2.7.5, just to see if the issue was specific to 3.0.x).我无法安装 3.0.4、3.0.2、3.0.0(然后我尝试了 2.7.5,只是想看看问题是否特定于 3.0.x)。 All 4 of these installs failed with exactly the same error:所有 4 次安装都失败,并出现完全相同的错误:

    ruby-3.0.4 - #post-configuration - please wait
    ruby-3.0.4 - #compiling - please wait
    Error running '__rvm_make -j6',
    please read /Users/macmini/.rvm/log/1652638839_ruby-3.0.4/make.log
    There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.

make.log ends with the following lines make.log 以以下几行结尾

    generating encdb.h
    builtin_binary.inc updated
    compiling builtin.c
    encdb.h updated
    x86_64-darwin21-fake.rb updated
    NoMethodError: undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass
      <main> at -e:2
    make: *** [.rbconfig.time] Error 1
    +__rvm_make:0> return 2

I get this same failure on Big Sur and on Monterey 12.3.1.我在 Big Sur 和 Monterey 12.3.1 上也遇到了同样的失败。

There is an issue on github that has 8 people reporting what sounds like the same error between 8/10/21 and 2/24/22, with no one reporting a solution (except a suggestion of switching to rbenv). github上有一个问题,有 8 个人报告了 21 年 8 月 10 日和 22 年 2 月 24 日之间听起来相同的错误,但没有人报告解决方案(除了切换到 rbenv 的建议)。 Two of these posts have lines at the end of make.log that are extremely similar to what I'm seeing:其中两个帖子在 make.log 末尾的行与我所看到的非常相似:

    encdb.h updated
    NoMethodError: undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass
      -e at -e:2
    make: *** [.rbconfig.time] Error 1
    +__rvm_make:0> return 2

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激! Thanks!!!谢谢!!!

Wayne Vucenic韦恩·武切尼奇

Figured it out.弄清楚了。 My current & default ruby was set to jruby-我当前和默认的 ruby​​ 设置为 jruby-。 I set it to ruby-2.7.6 and now 3.0.4 installs without any issues.我将它设置为 ruby​​-2.7.6,现在安装 3.0.4 没有任何问题。

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