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SmsManager SendTextMessage 后未将消息添加到存储

[英]Message not added to store after SmsManager SendTextMessage


My question is fairly straight forward:我的问题很简单:

Should I expect SMSManager.Default.SendTextMessage() to automatically add the sent message to the message store, or do I need to add it myself?我应该期望SMSManager.Default.SendTextMessage()自动将发送的消息添加到消息存储中,还是我需要自己添加? If I need to add it myself, should I do that in the BroadcastReceiver or in the dependency service after sending?如果我需要自己添加,我应该在发送后在BroadcastReceiver中还是在依赖服务中添加?

For context:对于上下文:

I'm trying to recreate an SMS app as practice for myself.我正在尝试重新创建一个 SMS 应用程序作为自己的练习。

I've managed to create a dependency service that gets messages from the message store and have a BroadcastReceiver to notify when a message is received.我设法创建了一个依赖服务,它从消息存储中获取消息,并有一个BroadcastReceiver来通知何时收到消息。

My issue arises when I try to use the below code to send a message.当我尝试使用以下代码发送消息时,出现了我的问题。

    public Task SendSMS(string message, string destination)
        piSent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, destination.GetHashCode(), new Intent("SMS_SENT"), PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent);
        //var piDelivered = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent("SMS_DELIVERED"), 0);
            manager.SendTextMessage(destination, null, message, piSent, null);
        catch (Exception e)
            Toast.Make(e.Message, ToastDuration.Long).Show();
        return Task.CompletedTask;

So the BroadcastReceiver for SMS_SENT gets the intent and has a Result.Ok code, but the message itself isn't added to the message store.因此 SMS_SENT 的BroadcastReceiver获取意图并具有Result.Ok代码,但消息本身并未添加到消息存储中。 I also haven't live tested this to see if the message actually sends.我也没有对此进行现场测试以查看消息是否实际发送。

This is the code I use to get all messages from the store.这是我用来从商店获取所有消息的代码。

    public async Task<ObservableCollection<Message>> GetMessages(string thread_id)
        var inbox = App.Current.Resources["smsInbox"] as string;
        var cols = new string[] { "address", "_id", "thread_id", "body", "date" };
        var projection = "thread_id=?";
        string[] selection = { thread_id };

        var results = await ExecuteQuery(inbox, cols, projection, selection);

        var messages = new ObservableCollection<Message>();
        foreach(var result in results)
            messages.Add(new Message
                Address = result[0],
                Id = result[1],
                ThreadId = result[2],
                Body = result[3],
                Date = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(long.Parse(result[4]))
        return messages;

    private async Task<List<List<string>>> ExecuteQuery(string uriString, string[] cols, string projection, string[] projectionValue = null)
        await init();
        var queryData = new List<List<string>>();
        var uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(uriString);
        var cursor = context.ContentResolver.Query(uri, cols, projection, projectionValue, null);
        if (cursor.MoveToFirst())
                var tuple = new List<string>(cursor.ColumnCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < cursor.ColumnCount; i++)
            } while (cursor.MoveToNext());
        return queryData;

And the broadcastreceiver和广播接收器

[BroadcastReceiver(Exported = true)]
public class MessageSentReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
        switch ((int)ResultCode)
            case (int)Result.Ok:
                Toast.Make("SMS Sent", ToastDuration.Short).Show();
            case (int)SmsResultError.GenericFailure:
                Toast.Make("Generic Error", ToastDuration.Short).Show();
            case (int)SmsResultError.NoService:
                Toast.Make("No Service", ToastDuration.Short).Show();
            case (int)SmsResultError.NullPdu:
                Toast.Make("Null PDU", ToastDuration.Short).Show();
            case (int)SmsResultError.RadioOff:
                Toast.Make("Radio Off", ToastDuration.Short).Show();
                Toast.Make("Default Message", ToastDuration.Short).Show();

Thanks in advance, and apologies if this isn't enough information to answer the question.提前致谢,如果这些信息不足以回答问题,我们深表歉意。

Well, after double-triple checking I wasn't making a fool of myself, turns out I was.好吧,经过两次三重检查后,我并没有在自欺欺人,事实证明我是在自欺欺人。

The messages are saved in the sent table, so weren't showing up when I pulled from the inbox.消息保存在已发送表中,因此当我从收件箱中提取时没有显示。

Lesson learnt!学习到教训了!

I guess I'll leave this here to save someone else that's having a brain fade.我想我会把它留在这里,以拯救正在脑退化的其他人。

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