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如何在 Android 和 iOS 移动设备上同步 Microsoft GAL(全局地址列表)

[英]How to sync Microsoft GAL (Global Address List) on Android and iOS mobile devices

We use Office 365 in the organization and add employee contact information to the Exchange.我们在组织中使用 Office 365 并将员工联系信息添加到 Exchange。 All contact information of these employees can then be found in the GAL (Global Address List) in Outlook.然后可以在 Outlook 的 GAL(全球地址列表)中找到这些员工的所有联系信息。

We want all this employee information to be available to all other employees on mobile devices, eg.我们希望所有其他员工都可以在移动设备上使用所有这些员工信息,例如。 when someone calls you from an organization to know who is calling you, and also when you need to call someone to have that information on your mobile device.当有人从组织给您打电话以了解谁在给您打电话时,以及当您需要打电话给某人以在您的移动设备上获取该信息时。

The solution I found included manually copying from GAL to contacts ( https://www.slipstick.com/exchange/making-the-exchange-server-gal-portable/ )我发现的解决方案包括从 GAL 手动复制到联系人( https://www.slipstick.com/exchange/making-the-exchange-server-gal-portable/

But unfortunately this is not a good solution when new employees arrive or certain employee contact details change.但不幸的是,当新员工到来或某些员工联系方式发生变化时,这不是一个好的解决方案。

The question is, how to automatically sync contacts from GAL to Android and iOS devices (without additional 3-party software)?问题是,如何将 GAL 中的联系人自动同步到 Android 和 iOS 设备(无需额外的 3 方软件)?

there is no solution integrated in Exchange. Exchange 中没有集成解决方案。 You need to use 3-party or to develop a script which copy GAL in each user contacts folder您需要使用 3 方或开发在每个用户联系人文件夹中复制 GAL 的脚本

sorry dont have solution yet, we are facing same problem.抱歉还没有解决方案,我们面临同样的问题。 Someone can explain what do they mean on "mobile devices" - The contacts are visible to all users in Microsoft Outlook, Outlook on the Web, and mobile devices.有人可以解释他们在“移动设备”上的含义 - Microsoft Outlook、Web 上的 Outlook 和移动设备中的所有用户都可以看到联系人。


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