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BSC 绕过 Sweeper Bot

[英]BSC Bypassing Sweeper Bot

because of a sweeper bot( https://bscscan.com/address/0xB03E1C325d5875515579945955517F6aBF41Aa9F ) I need to change-admin of a contract.因为扫地机器人( https://bscscan.com/address/0xB03E1C325d5875515579945955517F6aBF41Aa9F )我需要更改合同的管理员。 There are two ways that I have in my mind:我心中有两种方法:

  1. Transaction bundling which is for sending the bnb's and calling the change-admin method at the same time.用于发送 bnb 和同时调用 change-admin 方法的事务捆绑。 How can I do that in binance smart chain?我如何在币安智能链中做到这一点?
  2. Increasing the gas fee when calling change-admin function.调用 change-admin 函数时增加 gas 费用。 Are there any other methods for bypassing the sweeper bot?还有其他绕过扫地机器人的方法吗?

Thanks in advance, have a nice day.在此先感谢,祝您有美好的一天。

I got a compromised wallet too that my guess is it got a sweeper draining funds that it receives so that it never reach its destination.我也得到了一个受损的钱包,我的猜测是它有一个清扫器耗尽它收到的资金,因此它永远不会到达目的地。 Cant really find much on how they work or where they work for me too start researching.真的找不到太多关于他们如何工作或他们为我工作的地方也开始研究。 Any help?有什么帮助吗?

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