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由于名称错误,无法在 Vercel 上部署项目

[英]Can't deploy project on Vercel due to name error

I want to deploy on project on vercel but I keep got an error that say me the project is not valid like this message:我想在 vercel 上部署项目,但我一直收到一条错误消息,提示我该项目无效,如下消息所示:

Error: The name of a Project can only contain up to 100 alphanumeric lowercase characters and hyphens.错误:项目名称最多只能包含 100 个字母数字小写字符和连字符。 Learn More了解更多

but my name project is: ecommerce_sanity但我的名字项目是:ecommerce_sanity

or this error:或者这个错误:

The name contains invalid characters.名称中包含无效字符。 Only letters, digits, and underscores are allowed.只允许使用字母、数字和下划线。 Furthermore, the name should start with a letter.此外,名称应以字母开头。

for this name project: headphones_ecommerce对于这个名称项目:headphones_ecommerce

I try different name but keep got this error do someone already face this?我尝试使用不同的名称,但一直出现此错误有人已经遇到过这个问题吗?

In my case it was the env_variables creating the error.When i tried to copy and paste the env_variables, some spaces were there in the env_name like: "HELLO_WORLD(space)" and that was creating this error: The name contains invalid characters.在我的情况下,是 env_variables 创建了错误。当我尝试复制和粘贴 env_variables 时,env_name 中有一些空格,例如:“HELLO_WORLD(space)”,这导致了这个错误:名称包含无效字符。 Only letters, digits, and underscores are allowed.只允许使用字母、数字和下划线。 Furthermore, the name should start with a letter.此外,名称应以字母开头。

Just rename your github repo like "abc-abc" and it work.只需将您的 github 存储库重命名为“abc-abc”即可。 I had the same problem and that fixed it for me.我遇到了同样的问题,并为我解决了这个问题。

Rename the project name like "dummy_server" to "dummy-server".将项目名称(如“dummy_server”)重命名为“dummy-server”。 Replace underscore to hyphen.将下划线替换为连字符。 Hope it will work.希望它会起作用。

I faced this kind of problem and solved it by using only lowser-case characters.我遇到过这种问题,只用小写字符就解决了。 I removed hypens, underscore, numbers, and upper-cases.我删除了连字符、下划线、数字和大写字母。 And also confirm that your project name is unique.并确认您的项目名称是唯一的。 I think your project name could be long.我认为您的项目名称可能很长。
And one more point, you have to remove un-using projects if you have many project with your basic plan.还有一点,如果您的基本计划中有很多项目,则必须删除未使用的项目。 Or you can upgrade your vercel account to premium one.或者您可以将您的 Vercel 帐户升级为高级帐户。

Remove underscore and put Hyphen like this删除下划线并像这样放置连字符


or join them或加入他们



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