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如何使用 animateMotion 更改 svg 图像的起始位置?

[英]How to change the start position of svg image using animateMotion?

I am trying to change the start position of an svg image to animate it along a path using animateMotion我正在尝试更改 svg 图像的起始位置以使用animateMotion沿路径对其进行动画处理

You can check the current result here https://jsfiddle.net/7espvwuz/您可以在此处查看当前结果https://jsfiddle.net/7espvwuz/

In this fiddle I am using a circle to mock my image.在这个小提琴中,我使用一个圆圈来模拟我的形象。

The problem is问题是

  • if I use cx = 0 and cy = 0 , the animation starts at a wrong position如果我使用cx = 0cy = 0 ,动画从错误的位置开始
  • if I use cx = 0 and cy = 100 , the circle is perfectly positioned but the animation is shifted by a value of 100 in the y axis.如果我使用cx = 0cy = 100 ,则圆的位置完美,但动画在y轴上移动了100的值。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

You can give the circle the desired cx and cy ( cx="6.25" cy="100" ) and set those attributes to o when the animation begins.您可以为圆指定所需的 cx 和 cy ( cx="6.25" cy="100" ) 并在动画开始时set这些属性设置为 o。

Please read about the set element .请阅读set 元素

 var currentIndex = 0; const pathArray = [ "M6.25 100 L6.25 100 L6.25 66.75 Q6.25 56.25 25 56.25", "M25 56.25 L26.25 56.25 Q31.25 56.25 31.25 50 L31.25 12.5 Q31.25 6.25 36.25 6.25", "M36.25 6.25 L62.75 6.25 Q68.75 6.25 68.75 12.5", "M68.75 12.5 L68.75 37.75 Q68.75 43.75 74.75 43.75 L88.75 43.75", "M88.75 43.75 Q93.75 43.75 93.75 37.75 L93.75 4"]; function buttonClick() { set1.setAttribute("cx",6.25); set1.beginElement(); set2.setAttribute("cy",100); set2.beginElement(); motion1.setAttribute("path", pathArray[currentIndex]); motion1.beginElement(); currentIndex++; }
 <button onclick="buttonClick()">Click me</button> <svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -10 450 120" style="background-color: #0010ff3b;"> <path d="M6.25 100 L6.25 100 L6.25 100 L6.25 66.75 Q6.25 56.25 25 56.25 L26.25 56.25 Q31.25 56.25 31.25 50 L31.25 12.5 Q31.25 6.25 36.25 6.25 L62.75 6.25 Q68.75 6.25 68.75 12.5 L68.75 37.75 Q68.75 43.75 74.75 43.75 L88.75 43.75 Q93.75 43.75 93.75 37.75 L93.75 4" stroke='black' strokeDasharray="5, 5" fill='transparent'></path> <circle id="circle" r="5" cx="6.25" cy="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" > <set id="set1" begin="indefinite" attributeName="cy" to="0"></set> <set id="set2" begin="indefinite" attributeName="cx" to="0"></set> <animateMotion id="motion1" begin="indefinite" dur="1s" fill="freeze" path="M6.25 100 L6.25 100 L6.25 66.75 Q6.25 56.25 25 56.25"> </animateMotion> </circle> </svg>

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