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如何使用 spring-data-elasticsearch 在 ES 中实现索引翻转属性/条件

[英]How to implement index rollover properties/condition in ES using spring-data-elasticsearch

How can I add the following property values in elastic search when using spring-data-elasticsearch?使用 spring-data-elasticsearch 时如何在 elasticsearch 中添加以下属性值?

  1. The maximum size or age at which you want to roll over to a new index.要滚动到新索引的最大大小或年龄。
  2. The point at which the index is no longer being updated and the number of primary shards can be reduced.不再更新索引并且可以减少主分片数量的点。
  3. When to force a merge to permanently delete documents marked for deletion.何时强制合并以永久删除标记为删除的文档。
  4. The point at which the index can be moved to less performant hardware.索引可以移动到性能较低的硬件的点。
  5. The point at which the availability is not as critical and the number of replicas can be reduced.可用性不那么关键并且可以减少副本数量的点。
  6. When the index can be safely deleted.何时可以安全删除索引。

Currently, I creating dynamic index name using:目前,我使用以下方法创建动态索引名称:

@Document(indexName = "#{@esConfig.getIndexName()}", shards = 1, replicas = 0, refreshInterval = "5s", createIndex = false) @Document(indexName = "#{@esConfig.getIndexName()}", shards = 1, replicas = 0, refreshInterval = "5s", createIndex = false)

Index lifecycle Actions are currently not supported in Spring Data Elasticsearch. Spring 数据 Elasticsearch 目前不支持索引生命周期操作。

You'd need to implement this using the functions that the Elasticsearch client offers.您需要使用 Elasticsearch 客户端提供的功能来实现它。

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