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如何从 react-icons 导入 Material Design 中的所有图标

[英]how to import all icons in Material Design from react-icons

I could not find anywhere in the documentation and on google how to use我在文档和谷歌上找不到任何地方如何使用

import * as MaterialDesign from "react-icons/"从“react-icons/”导入 * 作为 MaterialDesign

in the render fonction.在渲染函数中。

Thank you for understanding.谢谢你的理解。

That's a lot of bloat to import all those icons in a project.在一个项目中导入所有这些图标是很臃肿的。 If you're trying to get just the library for Material Design icons you can use something like @react-md/material-icons .如果你想获得Material Design 图标的库,你可以使用类似@react-md/material-icons东西。


yarn add @react-md/material-icons @react-md/icon


import { render } from "react-dom";

import {
  Rotation3DFontIcon, // the sprite name for this was 3d_rotation.svg
  Rotation3DSVGIcon, // the sprite name for this was 3d_rotation.svg
} from "@react-md/material-icons";

const App = () => (
    <AccessAlarmFontIcon />
    <AccessAlarmSVGIcon />
    <Rotation3DFontIcon />
    <Rotation3DSVGIcon />
    <HomeFontIcon />
    <HomeSVGIcon />

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

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Or just use或者只是使用

yarn add @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons

then call the icon然后调用图标

import MenuIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Menu'

and in your component just add <MenuIcon/> .并在您的组件中添加<MenuIcon/> There is a way to search for any Material Icon .有一种方法可以搜索任何Material Icon

To include all icons in one;将所有图标合二为一; You must use this code!您必须使用此代码!

import * as MaterialDesign from "react-icons/md";

To use an icon: ( <MaterialDesign.IconName /> )使用图标:( <MaterialDesign.IconName /> )

<MaterialDesign.MdHelp />

Note: Make sure you have installed the react-icons package!注意:确保你已经安装了 react-icons 包!

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