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在 mongodb 中加入两个集合

[英]Join two collection in mongodb

I'm new in mongodb.我是 mongodb 的新手。 Could you please tell me how to perform join operation in this.您能否告诉我如何在此执行连接操作。 I've two collection:我有两个收藏:

Collection 1 ("user")集合 1(“用户”)

 _id: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
 userName: "XYZ User",
 age: 12

Collection 2 ("square")集合 2(“方形”)

 _id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
 userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
 side: 4,
 area: 16

Now I want to retrieve the data from collection 2 is like this.现在我想从集合 2 中检索数据是这样的。 Expected output:预期输出:

 _id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
 userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
 userName: "XYZ User",
 side: 4,
 area: 16

Thanks in advance :)提前致谢 :)

Here's one way to do it.这是一种方法。

    "$lookup": {
      "from": "user",
      "localField": "userId",
      "foreignField": "_id",
      "as": "userDoc"
    "$set": {
      "userName": {
        "$first": "$userDoc.userName"
  { "$unset": "userDoc" }

Try it on mongoplayground.net .mongoplayground.net上试试。

You can keep the first documentid (_id) in the second document as userId for refrence and after that, you can use the join feature supported by MongoDB 3.2 and later versions.您可以将第二个文档中的第一个 documentid (_id) 保留为 userId 以供参考,之后您可以使用 MongoDB 3.2 及更高版本支持的 join 功能。 You can use joins by using an aggregate query.您可以使用聚合查询来使用联接。 You can do it using the below example :您可以使用以下示例执行此操作:


    // Join with square table
            from: "square",       // other table name
            localField: "_id",   // name of user table field
            foreignField: "userId", // name of square table field
            as: "square"         // alias for userinfo table
    {   $unwind:"$user_info" },     // $unwind used for getting data in object or for one record only

    // define some conditions here 
            $and:[{"userName" : "XYZ User"}]

    // define which fields are you want to fetch
            _id: 1,
            userId: "$square.userId",
            userName: 1,
            side: "$square.side",
            area: "$square.area"

The Result will be结果将是

      _id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
      userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
      userName: "XYZ User",
      side: 4,
      area: 16


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