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具有匿名凭据的 Firestore 模拟器

[英]Firestore emulator with anonymous credentials

I am trying to get Firestore working in emulator-mode with Python on my local Linux PC.我正在尝试让 Firestore 在本地 Linux PC 上使用 Python 在模拟器模式下工作。 Is it possible to use anonymous credentials for this so I don't have to create new credentials?是否可以为此使用匿名凭据,这样我就不必创建新的凭据?

I have tried two methods of getting access to the Firestore database from within a Python Notebook, after having run firebase emulators:start from the command-line:在运行firebase emulators:start

First method:第一种方法:

from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore, initialize_app

project_id = 'my_project_id'

cred = credentials.ApplicationDefault()
initialize_app(cred, {'projectId': project_id})
db = firestore.client()

This raises the following exception:这引发了以下异常:

DefaultCredentialsError: Could not automatically determine credentials. DefaultCredentialsError:无法自动确定凭据。 Please set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or explicitly create credentials and re-run the application.请设置 GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS 或明确创建凭据并重新运行应用程序。 For more information, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started有关详细信息,请参阅https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started

Second method:第二种方法:

from google.auth.credentials import AnonymousCredentials
from google.cloud.firestore import Client

cred = AnonymousCredentials()

db = Client(project=project_id, credentials=cred)

This works, but then I try and access a document from the database that I have manually inserted into the database using the web-interface, using the following Python code:这行得通,但随后我尝试使用以下 Python 代码从数据库中访问我已使用 Web 界面手动插入到数据库中的文档:

doc = db.collection('my_collection').document('my_doc_id').get()

And then I get the following error, which perhaps indicates that the anonymous credentials don't work:然后我收到以下错误,这可能表明匿名凭据不起作用:

PermissionDenied: 403 Missing or insufficient permissions. PermissionDenied:403 缺少或权限不足。


It is a surprisingly complicated system and although I have read numerous doc-pages, watched tutorial videos, etc., there seems to be an endless labyrinth of configurations that need to be setup in order for it to work.这是一个非常复杂的系统,尽管我已经阅读了大量文档页面、观看了教程视频等,但似乎需要设置无穷无尽的配置迷宫才能使其正常工作。 It would be nice if I could get Firestore working on my local PC with minimal effort, to see if the database would work for my application.如果我能以最小的努力让 Firestore 在我的本地 PC 上运行,看看数据库是否适用于我的应用程序,那就太好了。


Method 2 works if an environment variable is set.如果设置了环境变量,则方法 2 有效。 In the following change localhost:8080 to the Firestore server address shown when the emulator is started using firebase emulators:start在以下更改localhost:8080到使用firebase emulators:start时显示的 Firestore 服务器地址

import os
os.environ['FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST'] = 'localhost:8080'

I don't know how to make it work with Method 1 above using the firebase_admin Python package. Perhaps someone else knows.我不知道如何使用firebase_admin Python package 使其与上面的方法 1 一起使用。也许其他人知道。

Also note that the emulated Firestore database will discard all its data when the server is shut down.另请注意,模拟的 Firestore 数据库将在服务器关闭时丢弃其所有数据。 To persist and reuse the data start the emulator with a command like this:要持久化和重用数据,请使用如下命令启动模拟器:

firebase emulators:start --import=./emulator_data --export-on-exit

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