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是使用 Mockito 来 @autowire 真正的服务并且仍然获得 @Value 属性的方法吗

[英]Is the a way to @autowire the real service with Mockito and still get @Value properties

Using Mockito使用 Mockito

We have this type of service that get the "regexPattern" value from application.yml or gets the default value if it is not defined我们有这种类型的服务,可以从 application.yml 获取“regexPattern”值,如果未定义则获取默认值

public class EmailValidationService {

    @Value("${validators.emailValidator.regexPattern:'"+ DefaultEmailValidator.DEFAULT_PATTERN  + "'}")
    private String regexPattern;

    public EmailValidator getEmailValidator(){
        return new DefaultEmailValidator(regexPattern);

When using Mockito we want to use this service (the real service) and not mock it so we use:当使用 Mockito 时,我们想使用这个服务(真正的服务)而不是模拟它,所以我们使用:

    private EmailValidationService emailValidationService = new EmailValidationService();

But the "regexPattern" variable always gets null value and not the default value但是“regexPattern”变量总是得到 null 值而不是默认值

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

Use @SpyBean instead of a @Spy in your test:在测试中使用@SpyBean而不是@Spy

private EmailValidationService emailValidationService;

For this you'll need a spring-boot-test dependency and make sure your test is run with Spring runner:为此,您需要一个spring-boot-test依赖项,并确保您的测试使用 Spring runner 运行:

If you are using JUnit 4, do not forget to also add @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) to your test, otherwise the annotations will be ignored.如果您使用的是 JUnit 4,请不要忘记也将 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) 添加到您的测试中,否则注释将被忽略。 If you are using JUnit 5, there is no need to add the equivalent @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) as @SpringBootTest and the other @…Test annotations are already annotated with it.如果您使用的是 JUnit 5,则无需将等效的 @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) 添加为 @SpringBootTest 并且其他 @...Test 注释已使用它进行注释。

Another alternative is to explicitly set the field value in your Spy:另一种选择是在 Spy 中显式设置字段值:

ReflectionTestUtils.setField(emailValidationService, "regexPattern", DefaultEmailValidator.DEFAULT_PATTERN);

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