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如何从 Laravel 中的 Teltonika FMB 640 GPS 跟踪设备获取数据? 任何线索?

[英]How to get data from Teltonika FMB 640 GPS Tracking Device in Laravel? any clues?

I am starting a project and the first step is to receive data from the Teltonika FMB 640 GPS Tracking Device.我正在开始一个项目,第一步是从 Teltonika FMB 640 GPS 跟踪设备接收数据。 How can I do this in Laravel?我怎样才能在 Laravel 中做到这一点? Like how to configure the ports and all and then decode the data and store it in database?就像如何配置端口和所有然后解码数据并将其存储在数据库中?

Check the flespi service ( https://flespi.com/ ).检查 flespi 服务 ( https://flespi.com/ )。 If you point your Teltonika FMB640 to a dedicated IP:port in your account, it will parse messages into standard JSON format.如果您将 Teltonika FMB640 指向您帐户中的专用 IP:端口,它会将消息解析为标准 JSON 格式。 Then you can either consume it via API ( https://flespi.com/rest-api ) or set up a stream to push the data to your server (eg https://flespi.com/kb/how-to-get-data-in-your-platform-via-flespi-http-stream ).然后您可以通过 API ( https://flespi.com/rest-api ) 使用它或设置一个流以将数据推送到您的服务器(例如https://flespi.com/kb/how-to-get -data-in-your-platform-via-flespi-http-stream )。

BTW, they also have great support chat.顺便说一句,他们也有很好的支持聊天。

我使用核心 PHP 和https://github.com/lbarrous/TeltonikaPHPDecoder包完成了这项工作

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