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[英]Ranking at Multiple Levels on SQL Server

I've read a few ways of doing this, but it does not seem to work for me.我已经阅读了几种执行此操作的方法,但它似乎对我不起作用。 I'm trying to pull data that has a Category, Itemcode, and Sales.我正在尝试提取具有类别、商品代码和销售额的数据。 I'm summing this up for a period of time so that my basic query looks like this:我总结了一段时间,所以我的基本查询如下所示:

    , Itemcode
    , sum(Sales)
    , rank() over (partition by Category order by sum(Sales) desc) as ItemRank
group by 
    Category, Itemcode

When I do that, my data looks like this:当我这样做时,我的数据如下所示:


What I would like to do is to add another rank that would show the rank of the Category as a whole.我想做的是添加另一个排名,以显示整个类别的排名。

Something like this:是这样的:


What would the query look like with that added in?添加后的查询会是什么样子? I've tried several things, but I can't seem to get it to work.我已经尝试了几件事,但我似乎无法让它发挥作用。

Taking a guess here, but I gather you want to rank based on the TotalSales?在这里猜测一下,但我知道你想根据 TotalSales 进行排名? If so, you can join to a subquery to do the aggregation, then use that in another rank column:如果是这样,您可以加入子查询进行聚合,然后在另一个排名列中使用它:

declare @Sales table (Category varchar(25), ItemCode int, Sales int)

insert into @Sales 
    ('Category A', 123, 100),
    ('Category A', 234, 125),
    ('Category A', 345,  97),
    ('Category B', 456, 354),
    ('Category B', 567, 85),
    ('Category B', 678, 112)
, Itemcode
, sum(s.Sales)
, rank() over (partition by s.Category order by sum(Sales) desc) as ItemRank
, dense_rank() over (order by sum(TotalSales) desc) as CategoryRank
from @Sales s
join    (   select Category, sum(Sales) as TotalSales 
            from @Sales 
            group by Category
        ) d
on s.Category = d.Category

group by s.Category, Itemcode

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