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Automapper / Mapster C# - 如何从特定属性映射集合?

[英]Automapper / Mapster C# - how do I map collection from specific property?

It is weird but I am stuck with a pretty simple case:这很奇怪,但我遇到了一个非常简单的案例:

Say I have a class:假设我有一堂课:

class Record
    public List<Data> Data {get; set;}

    public string OtherProp1 {get; set;}
    public string OtherProp2 {get; set;}

And I want to map a List<Model> from it.我想从中映射一个List<Model> Which is basically:基本上是:


But I want Mapster (or Mapper) to be able to make it right from the Record like this:但我希望 Mapster(或 Mapper)能够像这样从记录中正确地制作它:



mapper.Map<List<Model>>(Record.Data); // Works easily
mapper.Map<List<Model>>(Record);      // Can't config properly

I did find one way with Mapster but it seems like cheating:我确实找到了一种使用 Mapster 的方法,但它似乎是在作弊:

var config = new TypeAdapterConfig();

config.ForType<Data, Model>();
config.ForType<Record, List<Model>>().MapWith(record => record.Data.Adapt<List<Model>>(config));

Because I sort of use Mapster inside of Mapster config )因为我有点在 Mapster 配置中使用 Mapster)

It must be the way to point the source path like this:它必须是这样指向源路径的方式:

config.ForType<Record, List<Model>>().Map(dest => dest, record => record.Data);

But all such attempts lead to:但所有这些尝试都会导致:

  1. Always empty destination collection in Mapster Mapster 中的目的地集合始终为空
  2. Exceptions in AutoMapper: AutoMapper 中的异常:

Expression 'dest => dest' must resolve to top-level member and not any child object's properties.表达式 'dest => dest' 必须解析为顶级成员,而不是任何子对象的属性。 You can use ForPath, a custom resolver on the child type, or the AfterMap option instead.您可以使用 ForPath、子类型上的自定义解析器或 AfterMap 选项。 (Parameter 'lambdaExpression') -- using .ForMember(). (参数 'lambdaExpression') - 使用 .ForMember()。

Only member accesses are allowed.仅允许成员访问。 dest => dest (Parameter 'destinationMember') -- using .ForPath(). dest => dest(参数 'destinationMember') ——使用 .ForPath()。

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