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如何在多个 DataGrip 查询中使用变量?

[英]How to use a variable in multiple DataGrip queries?

Given I have a bunch of queries Eg鉴于我有一堆查询,例如

delete from permissions where user_id = 9845 and project_id =2;
delete from users_projects where user_id = 9845 and project_id =2;
delete from users where id = 9845 and project_id =2;

How can I avoid having to update the user_id in each query each time I run these?如何避免每次运行这些查询时都必须更新每个查询中的 user_id?

Ideally, something like理想情况下,类似

var userId = 9845

delete from permissions where user_id = userId and project_id =2;
delete from users_projects where user_id = userId and project_id =2;
delete from users where id = userId and project_id =2;

I tried using ?我试过用? and :userId Eg:userId例如

delete from permissions where user_id = :userId and project_id =2;
delete from users_projects where user_id = :userId and project_id =2;
delete from users where id = :userId and project_id =2;

This prompts me to enter a User Id via a dialog, which is fine, except I have to enter ir for each row.这提示我通过对话框输入用户 ID,这很好,除了我必须为每一行输入 ir。

I want to be able to update one place / enter the value once.我希望能够更新一个地方/输入一次值。

Is this possible with DataGrip? DataGrip 可以做到这一点吗?

You can use ${variable_name} syntax to enter a value only once for queries:您可以使用${variable_name}语法为查询输入一次值:

delete from permissions where user_id = ${userId} and project_id =2;
delete from users_projects where user_id = ${userId} and project_id =2;
delete from users where id = ${userId} and project_id =2;

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