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使用“不可重复”流读取和解析大型 CSV 文件

[英]Reading and parsing large CSV file using 'non-repeatable' stream

Thanks to harshank bansal , Ryan Hoegg and aled for their suggestions and comments to an earlier question here感谢harshank bansal、Ryan Hoegg 和 aled 对此处较早问题的建议和评论

Using Mule 4.4 community edition and on premise.使用 Mule 4.4 社区版和内部部署。

So based on comments am reading the large CSV file as a non repeatable stream因此,根据评论,我将大型 CSV 文件作为non repeatable stream读取

File is a CSV file but pipe separated:文件是 CSV 文件,但管道分隔:

101|John Saunders|19|M|Physics|Chemistry|Mechanics
102|Jim White|17|M|Languages|Art|Pottery

Once it is read am checking for empty file using attributes.size == 0 Now at this point using Set Payload with deferred=true .读取后,使用attributes.size == 0检查空文件现在使用Set Payload with deferred=true

In debug mode after this component the payload shows up as java.io.PipedInputStream ( which is fine , this is simply an observation )在此组件之后的调试模式下,有效负载显示为java.io.PipedInputStream (这很好,这只是一个观察)

Now am passing this payload to the HTTP Request component which calls a REST endpoint .现在将此有效负载传递给调用 REST 端点的HTTP Request组件。 Presently have mocked this REST endpoint and am logging the payload received by this REST endpoint.目前已模拟此 REST 端点并正在记录此 REST 端点接收到的有效负载。

However the payload received by this REST endpoint is an empty array但是,此 REST 端点接收到的有效负载是一个空数组

Do I need to set any attribute on HTTP Request ?我需要在 HTTP Request 上设置任何属性吗? I can see properties such as Request Streaming mode , do we need to configure anything there ?我可以看到Request Streaming mode等属性,我们需要在那里配置什么吗?

Another doubt is : how many times is the REST service expected to be called ?另一个疑问是:REST 服务预计会被调用多少次? will it get called multiple times or only a single request ?它会被多次调用还是只被调用一次?

here is the complete code of what I have tried .这是我尝试过的完整代码。

    <flow name="get:employee" >
        <set-variable value='#[now() as String { format: "ddMMuu" }]' doc:name="Set todays date as ddmmyy" doc:id="37de829b-bc84-44f6-88d9-e66c52fabe83" variableName="today"/>
            <file:read doc:name="Read emp file"  
                outputMimeType="text/csv; streaming=true; header=false; separator=|" outputEncoding="UTF-8">
                <non-repeatable-stream />
        <try doc:name="Try" >
                <choice doc:name="is the file empty ?" >
            <when expression="attributes.size == 0">
                <logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Payload is empty " message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  Empty payload from file: #[vars.fileName] !" category="load.empData" />
                <raise-error doc:name="Raise error on empty file "  type="EMP:FILE_NOT_PRESENT_OR_EMPTY" description="Emp File  either empty or not received or error in reading file content" />
            <set-payload value='#[output application/json deferred=true&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;---&#10;&#10;&#10;payload map (value,index)-&gt;{&#10;    "id": value.column_0,&#10;    "name": value.column_1&#10;}]' doc:name="Set Payload"  />
            <http:request method="POST" doc:name="Submit products to Rest API"  config-ref="HTTP_Request_config" path="/emps" requestStreamingMode="NEVER">
                <non-repeatable-stream />
                <http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
    "Host" : p('http_emp.host'),
    "Content-Type" : "application/json"
                <http:response-validator >
                    <http:success-status-code-validator values="200" />
                <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" category="load.empData" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  Successfully published emp data to XYZ , response received is : #[payload]"/>
            <error-handler >
                        <logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Failure log" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId] error encountered after reading  file #[vars.fileName]  , caused by : #[error.detailedDescription]" category="load.empData"/>
        <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"  message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  processing emp data END:" category="load.empData"/>

Attaching screen print of the flow for easier visualisation:附上流程的屏幕打印,以便于可视化: 在此处输入图像描述

Edit1 : Pasting complete code below : Edit1 :粘贴下面的完整代码:

<flow name="get:employee" doc:id="feffbaae-2873-4248-a043-d51697083b75">
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="10c9e0bb-7f18-42b8-9378-1225cb546641" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  processing emp data START:" category="send.empData"/>
        <set-variable value='#[now() as String { format: "ddMMuu" }]' doc:name="Set todays date as ddmmyy" doc:id="37de829b-bc84-44f6-88d9-e66c52fabe83" variableName="today"/>
        <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="0f182868-404c-491e-acab-88832b73d73e" category="send.empData" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  After successfully moving file "/>
        <until-successful maxRetries="${sftp.retry.attempts}" doc:name="Until Successful" doc:id="cec72a48-72b7-436d-a024-fb3986fb3432" millisBetweenRetries="${sftp.retry.frequency}">
            <file:read doc:name="Read emp file" doc:id="e77633d5-5f4f-43a9-862b-9d6076308c2a" 
                outputMimeType="text/csv; streaming=true; header=false; separator=|" outputEncoding="UTF-8">
                <non-repeatable-stream />
        <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="438f9b64-8d66-4999-ac72-cdd7ade3cd0f" category="send.empData" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  After successfully Reading file "/>
        <try doc:name="Try" doc:id="c934788a-28db-4e49-a7cd-ee8eaff026ae" >
                <choice doc:name="is the file empty ?" doc:id="69c57e57-354c-4a01-9810-35fc4228d5d9">
            <when expression="attributes.size == 0">
                <logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Payload is empty " doc:id="08decd27-c8dc-41e7-8c1d-f395f405b248" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  Empty payload from file!" category="send.empData" />
                <raise-error doc:name="Raise error on empty file " doc:id="ad6e2e62-09f2-4e4a-bc2c-99d7ce2c95c8" type="EMP:FILE_NOT_PRESENT_OR_EMPTY" description="Emp File  either empty or not received or error in reading file content" />
                <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Payload not empty" doc:id="606550aa-c59e-4ff4-ad15-026a8616845a" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  File not empty and contains #[sizeOf(payload)] rows" category="send.empData" />
            <set-payload value='#[output application/json deferred=true&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;---&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;  {"clientId": "abcd",&#10;"employees": payload map (value,index)-&gt;{&#10;    "id": value.column_0,&#10;    "name": value.column_1&#10;}&#10;}]' doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="5dba41e5-df65-42e3-8899-0c4abf8f8c16" />
            <http:request method="POST" doc:name="Submit products to XYZ" doc:id="575d1c2f-d20f-4174-b7e6-ad0074ea7eb9" config-ref="HTTP_Request_config" path="/emps" requestStreamingMode="AUTO" sendBodyMode="AUTO">
                <non-repeatable-stream />
                <http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
    "Host" : p('http_emp.host'),
    "Content-Type" : "application/json"
                <http:response-validator >
                    <http:success-status-code-validator values="200" />
                <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="d3988977-bdda-4eac-bf88-508201582a78" category="send.empData" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  Successfully published product data to XYZ , response received is : #[payload]"/>
            <error-handler >
                    <on-error-continue enableNotifications="false" logException="false" doc:name="On Error Continue - Move emp file from processing to error folder" doc:id="a02560ca-77fb-443f-88b0-fcc27185ea7c" >
                        <logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Failure log" doc:id="c4a10961-d853-4fc4-87d7-9b5c55750a7c" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId] error encountered after reading  file  , caused by : #[error.detailedDescription]" category="send.empData"/>
                    <until-successful maxRetries="${sftp.retry.attempts}" doc:name="Until Successful" doc:id="d8b3e71a-02fc-4c19-be7f-3851288b85a0" millisBetweenRetries="${sftp.retry.frequency}">
                        <sftp:move doc:name="Move file to error" doc:id="22b353e3-ec17-4df5-aa20-4055e0a6cf3b" config-ref="SFTP_Config" sourcePath="#[p('sftp.outputProcessingDir') ++ '/' ++ vars.fileName]" targetPath="${sftp.outputErrorDir}" createParentDirectories="false" overwrite="true"/>
                    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="dcc9dd6b-0734-486d-b0c1-a9fc3fe64348" category="send.empData" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  successfully moved  file  to error folder"/>
        <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="20453f8a-45ad-4e23-98d5-a03a66509b5d" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId]  processing emp data END:" category="send.empData"/>
        <error-handler >
            <on-error-continue enableNotifications="false" logException="false" doc:name="On Error Continue" doc:id="3fa169c0-92ad-431b-9440-a21448db4bce" type="RETRY_EXHAUSTED">
                <logger level="ERROR" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="bf68b097-9b02-4770-b0f3-9972bc91a97f" message="Co-relationId  : #[correlationId] while processing emp file Error is : #[error.suppressedErrors[0].errorType] caused by #[error.suppressedErrors[0].detailedDescription]" category="send.empData"/>

That is another downside of using non repeatable stream .这是使用non repeatable stream的另一个缺点。 It is happening because the breakpoint that you put will consume the InputStream and you can only consume an input stream once.发生这种情况是因为您放置的断点将消耗InputStream并且您只能使用一次输入流。 Therefore your set-payload will receive an empty payload when it executes.因此,您的set-payload在执行时将收到一个空的有效负载。 Having said that, I believe that the debugger should be smart enough to detect that payload is non repeatable stream and not consume it.话虽如此,我相信调试器应该足够聪明,能够检测到有效负载是不可重复的流并且不消耗它。

Try disabling the breakpoint, if everything else is set correctly, it should send the request to the HTTP Endpoint.尝试禁用断点,如果其他一切设置正确,它应该将请求发送到 HTTP 端点。 If you want to see the payload you can try logging a few rows after the set-payload once, then remove the logger.如果您想查看有效负载,您可以尝试在set-payload之后记录几行,然后删除记录器。 (I know it does not sounds appealing, but currently it is the only option I can think off with the current version of Anypoint studio.) (我知道这听起来并不吸引人,但目前这是我能想到当前版本的 Anypoint 工作室的唯一选择。)

EDIT: Another reason that you are sending an empty Array is because you are consuming the InputStream while logging the sizeOf(payload) .编辑:您发送空数组的另一个原因是您在记录sizeOf(payload)时正在使用 InputStream 。 Therefore your set-payload is getting an empty Stream to consume.因此,您的set-payload正在消耗一个空的 Stream 。

For your question.对于你的问题。

how many times is the REST service expected to be called ?预计将调用 REST 服务多少次? will it get called multiple times or only a single request ?它会被多次调用还是只被调用一次?

This basically uses Transfer-Encoding: chunked .这基本上使用Transfer-Encoding: chunked So the request is sent over a single request, but since the payload is not generated before sending the reqeust, it is sent in chunks until the request is finished.所以请求是通过单个请求发送的,但是由于在发送请求之前没有生成有效负载,所以它以chunks的形式发送,直到请求完成。

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