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[英]Efficient way to test bits in a byte array using a union?

I have data that is sometimes best viewed as an array of 10 bytes, sometimes as an array of 80 bits.我的数据有时最好被视为一个 10 字节的数组,有时是一个 80 位的数组。 Maybe a job for a union?也许是工会的工作?

After filling the array with 10 bytes, I scan through the 80 bits and test if set.用 10 个字节填充数组后,我扫描 80 位并测试是否设置。 The scan is advanced bit-by-bit in an ISR, so efficiency is key.在 ISR 中,扫描是逐位推进的,因此效率是关键。

Right now I do this at each interrupt:现在我在每次中断时都这样做:

 volatile uint8_t bit_array[10]; // external to ISR
 volatile uint8_t bit_idx;
 volatile uint8_t byte_idx;
 // -----ISR---------
 static uint8_t abyte;   // temp byte from array

 if (bit_idx == 0) {     // at each new byte
   bit_idx = 1;          // begin at the lowest bit
   abyte = bit_array[byte_idx];
 if (abyte & bit_idx) {
   // << do the thing >>
 if ((bit_idx *= 2) == 0) { // idx << and test for done
   if (++byte_idx > 9) {    // try next byte
     byte_idx = 0;

I have a sense that there's a way to create a union that would allow a straightforward scan of the bits using a single index 0..79, but I don't know enough to try it.我有一种感觉,有一种方法可以创建一个联合,允许使用单个索引 0..79 直接扫描位,但我不太了解尝试它。

The questions are: can I do that?问题是:我可以这样做吗? and: can it be efficient?并且:它可以有效吗?

You can use the 0 ... 79 range for your index without the need for a union 1 .您可以使用0 ... 79范围作为索引,而无需联合1 You can get the byte index in your array using index / 8 and the bit position (within that byte) using index % 8 .您可以使用index / 8获取数组中的字节索引,使用index % 8获取位位置(在该字节内)。

This would certainly simplify your code;这肯定会简化您的代码; however, whether it will be significantly more efficient will depend on a number of factors, like what the target CPU is and how smart your compiler is.但是,它是否会显着提高效率将取决于许多因素,例如目标 CPU 是什么以及编译器的智能程度。 But note that the division and remainder operations with 8 as their RHS are trivial for most compilers/architectures and reduce to a bit-shift and a simple mask, respectively.但请注意,对于大多数编译器/架构来说,以8作为 RHS 的除法和余数运算是微不足道的,并且分别减少为位移位和简单掩码。

Here's a possible outline implementation:这是一个可能的大纲实现:

uint8_t data[10]; // The 10 bytes
uint8_t index = 0; // index of bits in 0 .. 79 range

void TestISR()
    // Test the indexed bit using combination of division and remainder ...
    if (data[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8))) {
        // Do something
    // Increment index ...
    if (++index > 79) {
        index = 0;

For any compiler that fails to implement the optimized division and remainder operations, the if statement can be re-written thus:对于任何未能实现优化除法和余数运算的编译器,可以重写if语句:

    if (data[index >> 3] & (1 << (index & 7))) {
        // ...

1 Note that any attempt to actually use a union will likely exhibit undefined behaviour. 1请注意,任何实际使用联合的尝试都可能表现出未定义的行为。 In C++, reading from a member of a union that wasn't the last one written is UB (although it's acceptable and well-defined in C).在 C++ 中,从不是最后一个写入的联合成员中读取的是 UB(尽管它在 C 中是可以接受且定义明确的)。

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