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如何在 Django 应用程序中访问 Worldpress 网站的数据库?

[英]How can I access database of Worldpress website in Django Application?

I have multiple blogging websites which are made in WordPress and hosted on hostinger.我有多个博客网站,它们是用 WordPress 制作并托管在主机上的。 I want to access my WordPress database so that I can keep a record of when I have added articles on which website.我想访问我的 WordPress 数据库,这样我就可以记录我何时在哪个网站上添加了文章。 How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

if you really wan't to get databas information, the only way is to read and parse the wp-config.php file.如果您真的不想获取数据库信息,唯一的方法是读取和解析 wp-config.php 文件。

Here you find regex to read all constants在这里您可以找到读取所有常量的正则表达式

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