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使用赋值运算符时分配免费 std::vector 副本

[英]Allocation free std::vector copy when using assignment operator

When having two instances of std::vector with a primitive data type, having same size and capacity, is there a guarantee that copying via the copy assignment operator will not re-allocate the target vector?当有两个原始数据类型的std::vector实例具有相同的大小和容量时,是否可以保证通过复制赋值运算符进行复制不会重新分配目标向量?


const int n = 3;

std::vector<int> a, b;

// ensure defined capacity

// make same size

// set some values for a
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    a[i] = i;

// copy a to b: allocation free?
b = a;

I've only found "Otherwise, the memory owned by *this may be reused when possible."我只发现“否则,*this 拥有的 memory 可能会在可能的情况下被重复使用。” (since C++11) on cppreference.com . (C++11 起)在cppreference.com上。 I was hoping for a "must" instead of "may".我希望是“必须”而不是“可以”。

If there should be a positive answer for a more general case such as "same size is enough", even better.如果对于更一般的情况(例如“相同大小就足够”)应该有肯定的答案,那就更好了。

If there should be no guarantee, this case could be an answer to Copying std::vector: prefer assignment or std::copy?如果不能保证,这种情况可能是Copying std::vector: prefer assignment or std::copy?的答案。 , when std::copy would be preferred. ,当首选std::copy时。

Standard doesn't guarantee that there would be no allocations.标准不保证不会有分配。 According to the C++11 Standard the effect of b = a;根据C++11 标准b = a; is as if b.assign(a.begin(), a.end()) (with surplus b's elements destroyed, if any) which result is "Replaces elements in b with a copy of [a.begin(), a.end())" .就好像b.assign(a.begin(), a.end()) (b 的剩余元素被销毁,如果有的话)结果是“用 [a.begin(), a.结束())” Nothing about allocations but with the C++20 Standard (maybe earlier) we have an additional statement: "Invalidates all references, pointers and iterators referring to the elements of b" .与分配无关,但使用C++20 标准(可能更早)我们有一个附加声明: “使所有引用 b 的元素的引用、指针和迭代器无效” Which means allocation is possible and the capacity() isn't mentioned anywhere in these guarantees to prevent it in your particular case.这意味着分配是可能的,并且在这些保证中的任何地方都没有提到capacity()以防止在您的特定情况下发生这种情况。

On the other hand, in practice, why would it reallocate the memory if there is enough already?另一方面,实际上,如果已经足够了,为什么还要重新分配 memory?

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