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Ruby/Rails 按钮和搜索过滤

[英]Ruby/Rails button and search filtering

I've added the Active and Archived buttons to this page for extra filtering.我在此页面中添加了 Active 和 Archived 按钮以进行额外过滤。


The existing search box functionality uses the following js.coffee which calls the controller index to pull the data from the db.现有的搜索框功能使用以下 js.coffee 调用控制器索引从数据库中提取数据。

triggerSearch: (e) ->
    if searchCompanyTimer
      window.clearTimeout searchCompanyTimer
    searchCompanyTimer = window.setTimeout(( ->
      searchCompanyTimer = null
      query_text = $(e.currentTarget).val()
      el_id = $(e.currentTarget)[0].id
      $.get( "companies", "q[name_cont]": query_text )
      ), 500, e)

I have added 2 similar js.coffee methods which set an active flag to true or false depending on which button was pressed.我添加了 2 个类似的 js.coffee 方法,它们根据按下的按钮将活动标志设置为 true 或 false。 Here is one of those methods.这是其中一种方法。

triggerShowActive: (e) ->
    if searchCompanyTimer
      window.clearTimeout searchCompanyTimer
    searchCompanyTimer = window.setTimeout(( ->
      searchCompanyTimer = null
      $.get( '/companies', {active: true} )
      ), 500, e)

here is part of my controller.这是我的控制器的一部分。

class CompaniesController < ApplicationController

  respond_to :js, :json, :html
  $active_inactive_flag = true

  def index
    puts "params are: #{params}"
    puts "active param is: #{params[:active]}"
    puts "@active_inactive_flag pre any conditions is: #{$active_inactive_flag}"
    $active_inactive_flag = params[:active] ? params[:active] : $active_inactive_flag
    puts "@active_inactive_flag after check on params[:active] is: #{$active_inactive_flag}"
    if $active_inactive_flag.try :nonzero? 
      $active_inactive_flag = true 
    puts "@active_inactive_flag after check if it has a value, else true - is: #{$active_inactive_flag}"
    @companies =
        .order('created_at DESC')
        .where(is_active: $active_inactive_flag)

here is my index.html.erb file where the buttons and search code is.这是按钮和搜索代码所在的 index.html.erb 文件。

<div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-3">
            <label>Filter By:</label>
            <button class="show_active btn btn-primary" style="border-radius:10px">Active</button>
            <button class="show_inactive btn btn-primary" style="border-radius:10px">Archived   </button>

        <div class="col-md-9">
            <div class="input-group">
                <span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1">Filter by name</span>
                <input class="form-control" id="q_name_cont" name="q[name_cont]" type="text">

I am using a global variable (tried instance and class variables also) in the controller but it's not working as expected.我在控制器中使用了一个全局变量(也尝试过实例和类变量),但它没有按预期工作。 Sometimes the value in $active_inactive_flag switches from false to true or vice versa incorrectly.有时$active_inactive_flag中的值会错误地从false切换为true ,反之亦然。 I don't want to use a global variable but I am at a loss as to how to combine both filter and search correctly.我不想使用全局变量,但我不知道如何正确组合过滤器和搜索。 When the page loads we want Active button to be on by default and return active companies.当页面加载时,我们希望活动按钮默认打开并返回活动公司。 The problem I am having is knowing what button was pressed when the search box is used.我遇到的问题是知道使用搜索框时按下了哪个按钮。

Edit: Here is an example of what is happening.编辑:这是正在发生的事情的一个例子。 在此处输入图像描述 Any direction would be grateful.任何方向将不胜感激。

Thanks Dave,谢谢戴夫,

in js.coffee added the following:js.coffee中添加了以下内容:

returnActiveInctiveFlag = true

and then to the triggerSearch updated to:然后将 triggerSearch 更新为:

$.get( "companies", { "q[name_cont]": query_text, active: returnActiveInctiveFlag } )

In my new methods updated returnActiveInctiveFlag accordingly.在我的新方法中相应地更新returnActiveInctiveFlag

Was really overcomplicating it.真的太复杂了。 Thanks again for getting me thinking in the correct way.再次感谢您让我以正确的方式思考。

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