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[英]How to show log between current branch and its remote counterpart

Sometimes after fetching from remote repository I see my branch is behind:有时从远程存储库获取后,我看到我的分支落后了:

> git status
On branch develop
Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 7 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)

Before updating my local branch I would like to see the log of what I'm about to get.在更新我的本地分支之前,我想查看我将要获得的日志。 I can do it using我可以使用

> git log develop..origin/develop

Since I'm already on the develop branch, is there a way to do the above with less typing?由于我已经在develop分支上,有没有办法用更少的输入来完成上述操作? That is, without providing local and remote branch names?也就是说,不提供本地和远程分支名称?

This would be especially useful since I often switch to feature branches and would like to see such logs for those, too.这将特别有用,因为我经常切换到功能分支并且也希望查看这些日志。

Yes, a short and branch-agnostic way is to use the @{upstream} construct :是的,一个简短且与分支无关的方法是使用@{upstream} 构造

git log ..@{u}

(Note : since the first part of the range is omitted here, HEAD is implied, but the full verbose syntax would be HEAD..HEAD@{upstream} .) (注意:由于此处省略了范围的第一部分,因此暗示了HEAD ,但完整的详细语法将是HEAD..HEAD@{upstream} 。)

And of course it's very handy to have it as alias.behind (for example) since it'll use whatever branch you're on.当然,将它作为alias.behind (例如)非常方便,因为它会使用你所在的任何分支。

Edit after comments : I added the useful counterpart alias.ahead to check commits about to be pushed (there's a catch : while @{upstream} refers to the remote branch where your config will pull from , the branch set in config to push to is @{push} ( doc )).评论后编辑:我添加了有用的对应alias.ahead来检查即将被推送的提交(有一个问题:虽然@{upstream}指的是您的配置将从中提取的远程分支,但在配置中设置的分支是推送到@{push}文档))。 In some specific 3-way settings, these may differ, but in most simple workflows both point to the same branch of the same remote.某些特定的 3 向设置中,它们可能会有所不同,但在大多数简单的工作流程中,它们都指向同一个遥控器的同一个分支。 But it's just in case.但以防万一。

git config --global alias.behind 'log [any format option you prefer] ..@{u}'
git config --global alias.ahead 'log [any format option you prefer] @{push}..'


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