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从 3 到 5 为 Clickhouse 添加 Zookeeper 节点

[英]Adding Zookeeper Nodes for Clickhouse From 3 to 5

I was testing out adding 2 zookeeper nodes to a clickhouse cluster.我正在测试将 2 个 zookeeper 节点添加到 clickhouse 集群。 However it seems whenever I had 2 new nodes all the tables that were created with 3 zookeeper nodes turns into read only mode and there's no way to recover them.但是,似乎每当我有 2 个新节点时,使用 3 个 zookeeper 节点创建的所有表都会变成只读模式,并且无法恢复它们。 Has any one have any experience adding 2 new zookeeper nodes?有没有人有添加2个新的zookeeper节点的经验?

I should mention that it seems to be when I take down the leader is when the table goes into read only mode.我应该提到,当我取下领导者时,似乎是当表格进入只读模式时。

You need to check that你需要检查一下

echo stats|nc zk_ip_new_server 2181


Mode: follower


Mode: leader

before adding these 2 ZK servers into CH configs.在将这 2 个 ZK 服务器添加到 CH 配置之前。

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