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ResponseBody 正在打印空体以进行弹簧启动测试

[英]ResponseBody is printing empty body for spring boot test

I am following this to run my spring-boot controller test.我正在按照这个来运行我的 spring-boot 控制器测试。 but however, my code is still printing an empty body.但是,我的代码仍在打印一个空的正文。 I tried calling the real method and mocked one, is it something IntelliJ issue or am I missing something?我尝试调用真正的方法并模拟了一个,这是 IntelliJ 的问题还是我错过了什么?

below is the test code.下面是测试代码。

class AnimalControllerTest {

    MockMvc mvc;
    AnimalService animalService;

    public void setUp(){
        AnimalDto response = new AnimalDto();

    void addAnimal() throws Exception {
        AnimalDto animalDto = new AnimalDto();
                   .content(asJsonString(new AnimalDto(null, "dog", null,null, null, null, null)))


below is my actual controller下面是我的实际控制人

@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class AnimalController {

    AnimalService animalService;

    public AnimalDto addAnimal(@Valid @RequestBody AnimalDto animalDto){
        return animalService.add(animalDto);

and my service class:和我的服务等级:

@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class AnimalService {

    AnimalRepository animalRepository;
    SourceToDestinationMapper mapper;

    public AnimalDto add(AnimalDto animalDto) {
        Animal animal = mapper.animalDtoToAnimal(animalDto);
        Animal savedAnimal = animalRepository.save(animal);
        log.debug("animal object saved:",animal);
        return mapper.animalToAnimalDto(savedAnimal);

this is how my output looks like这就是我的输出的样子

      HTTP Method = POST
      Request URI = /animal/add
       Parameters = {}
          Headers = [Content-Type:"application/json;charset=UTF-8", Accept:"application/json", Content-Length:"103"]
             Body = {"id":null,"title":"dog","located":null,"type":null,"preference":null,"favoriteRooms":null,"room":null}
    Session Attrs = {}

             Type = com.self.zoo.controller.AnimalController
           Method = com.self.zoo.controller.AnimalController#addAnimal(AnimalDto)

    Async started = false
     Async result = null

Resolved Exception:
             Type = null

        View name = null
             View = null
            Model = null

       Attributes = null

           Status = 200
    Error message = null
          Headers = []
     Content type = null
             Body = 
    Forwarded URL = null
   Redirected URL = null
          Cookies = []

java.lang.AssertionError: No value at JSON path "$.id"

    at org.springframework.test.util.JsonPathExpectationsHelper.evaluateJsonPath(JsonPathExpectationsHelper.java:304)
    at org.springframework.test.util.JsonPathExpectationsHelper.assertExistsAndReturn(JsonPathExpectationsHelper.java:328)
    at org.springframework.test.util.JsonPathExpectationsHelper.exists(JsonPathExpectationsHelper.java:192)
    at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.JsonPathResultMatchers.lambda$exists$3(JsonPathResultMatchers.java:123)
    at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andExpect(MockMvc.java:212)
    at com.self.zoo.controller.AnimalControllerTest.addAnimal(AnimalControllerTest.java:54)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

我最终写了@BeforeAll注释,因为在 Junit5 我们需要那个

Make sure your mapper works correctly:确保您的映射器正常工作:

  • try without mapper do convert by your own dto->Model and vice versa?尝试不使用映射器通过您自己的 dto->Model 进行转换,反之亦然?
  • try invalidate cache restart IntelliJ尝试无效缓存重启 IntelliJ
  • use postman to test API使用 postman 测试 API

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