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如何使我的 tkinter 程序自动更新?

[英]How can I make my tkinter program autoupdate?

I'm using python and tkinter to create a little program.我正在使用 python 和 tkinter 创建一个小程序。 I'd like to make the program check if the version the user is using is the most recent version.我想让程序检查用户使用的版本是否是最新版本。 If not, then I'd like a window pop up to prompt the user to update.如果没有,那么我想弹出一个窗口来提示用户更新。 Then, I'd like my software to automatically install the newest version for the user.然后,我希望我的软件自动为用户安装最新版本。 How would I go about doing this?我该怎么做呢?

The first part seems pretty self-explanatory.第一部分似乎很不言自明。 A different stack overflow thread suggests having a text file with the correct version and then checking that against a text file that the user has. 另一个堆栈溢出线程建议拥有一个具有正确版本的文本文件,然后对照用户拥有的文本文件进行检查。 I'm not sure how to get the program to update itself though.我不确定如何让程序自行更新。


adding some detail.添加一些细节。 Is it possible to use Python to download a git repository and deleting the old version the user has downloaded?是否可以使用 Python 下载 git 存储库并删除用户下载的旧版本?

Here is the code I made: Side Note: I dont know if you would want to download multiple or just one, the example I gave just download one这是我制作的代码:旁注:我不知道您是要下载多个还是只下载一个,我给出的示例只下载一个

from tkinter import *
import requests
import os
import sys


def check_updates():
        link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/User/Repo/Branch/SpecificFolderForUpdates/version.txt"
        check = requests.get(link)
        if float(VERSION) < float(check.text):
            mb1 = messagebox.askyesno('Update Available', 'There is an update available. Click yes to update.') #confirming update with user
            if mb1 is True:
                filename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) #gets current name of itself
                savedrecordings = "Saved Recordings"

                for file in os.listdir():
                    if file == filename: #Does not delete itself

                        os.remove(file) #removes all other files from the folder

                exename = f'dcbot{float(check.text)}.exe'
                code = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/User/Repo/Branch/SpecificFolderToUpdate/file.exe", allow_redirects = True)
                open(exename, 'wb').write(code.content)

            elif mb1 == 'No':
            messagebox.showinfo('Updates Not Available', 'No updates are available')

    except Exception as e:

root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(True,  True)
root.title('Checking for updates...')


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