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Okio Throttler 与 OkHttp 的集成

[英]Okio Throttler integration with OkHttp

My team is suffering from this issue with slack integration to upload files, so following the comments in that issue I would like to throttle the requests in our Kotlin implementation.我的团队在上传文件时遇到了松弛集成的问题,因此根据该问题中的评论,我想在我们的 Kotlin 实现中限制请求。

I am trying to integrate Okio Throttler within an OkHttp interceptor, so I have the setup:我正在尝试将 Okio Throttler集成到 OkHttp 拦截器中,所以我有以下设置:

val client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .addInterceptor { chain ->
                val request = chain.request()
                val originalRequestBody = request.body
                val newRequest = if (originalRequestBody != null) {
                    val wrappedRequestBody = ThrottledRequestBody(originalRequestBody)
                        .method(request.method, wrappedRequestBody)
                } else {
class ThrottledRequestBody(private val delegate: RequestBody) : RequestBody() {
    private val throttler = Throttler().apply {
        bytesPerSecond(1024, 1024 * 4, 1024 * 8)

    override fun contentType(): MediaType? {
        return delegate.contentType()

    override fun writeTo(sink: BufferedSink) {

It seems throttler.sink returns a Sink , but a BufferedSink is required to the method delegate.writeTo , so I called buffer() to get that BufferedSink .似乎throttler.sink返回一个Sink ,但是方法delegate.writeTo需要一个BufferedSink ,所以我调用了buffer()来获取那个BufferedSink Am I doing it wrong ?我做错了吗? Is the call for .buffer() breaking the integration?.buffer()的调用是否会破坏集成?

It's almost perfect.这几乎是完美的。 You just need to flush the buffer when you're done otherwise it'll finish with a few bytes inside.您只需要在完成后刷新缓冲区,否则它将在内部完成几个字节。

override fun writeTo(sink: BufferedSink) {
  throttler.sink(sink).buffer().use {

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