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在不知道坐标的情况下在 Mapbox 中添加图像叠加

[英]Add Image Overlay in Mapbox without knowing coordinates

I would like to overlay simple PNG over the center of my map.我想在我的地图中心覆盖简单的 PNG。 I don't know how to get the coordinates for the bounding box.我不知道如何获取边界框的坐标。 I tried to get them somehow correct with https://boundingbox.klokantech.com/ but the image is always flipped (?).我试图用https://boundingbox.klokantech.com/让它们以某种方式正确,但图像总是被翻转(?)。 Is there a way to place the image with its correct aspect ratio in the center of my map?有没有办法将具有正确纵横比的图像放置在我的地图中心? Or is there any way to get the correct coordinates somehow?或者有没有办法以某种方式获得正确的坐标? I only know the location and the height / width in pixels of the image.我只知道图像的位置和高度/宽度(以像素为单位)。

const coords = "10.993519925619722,48.13225506915424,10.987678074385087,48.12892887698615"
const splitCoords = coords.split(',');

const one = splitCoords[0] * 1;
const two = splitCoords[1] * 1;
const three = splitCoords[2] * 1;
const four = splitCoords[3] * 1;

map.on('load', () => {
  map.addSource('area-overlay', {
    'type': 'image',
    'url': 'assets/images/map-2.png',
    'coordinates': [
      [one, two],
      [three, two],
      [three, four],
      [one, four],
    id: 'area-layer',
    'type': 'raster',
    'source': 'area-overlay',
    'paint': {
      'raster-fade-duration': 0

i think your image looks flipped beacuse of the order of positions you have defined in coordinates array.我认为由于您在坐标数组中定义的位置顺序,您的图像看起来会翻转。 according to the example here https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/image-on-a-map/ the coordinate array should be defined in clockwise order.根据此处的示例https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/image-on-a-map/坐标数组应按顺时针顺序定义。

Your boundingbox format is like "maxX,maxY,minX,minY".您的边界框格式类似于“maxX,maxY,minX,minY”。 If we map those values on a rectangle with clockwise order, it will look like as below.如果我们将这些值按顺时针顺序映射到一个矩形上,它将如下所示。

    three,two                   one,two
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |                               | 2
    |                               |
    |                               | 
    three,four       3          one,four  

So the right order of the coordinates should be as below.所以坐标的正确顺序应该如下。

map.addSource('area-overlay', {
    'type': 'image',
    'url': 'assets/images/map-2.png',
    'coordinates': [
      [three, two],
      [one, two],
      [one, four],
      [three, four],

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