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开发本地 npm 包

[英]Developing a local npm package

I am developing a npm package.我正在开发一个 npm 包。 Lets call it my-library .让我们称之为my-library I publish this package to a private npm repository which is pulled by many of my projects.我将此包发布到一个私有 npm 存储库,该存储库由我的许多项目提取。 How can I quickly develop the code in my-library without having to publish a new version of my-library every time I make a small change?如何在my-library中快速开发代码,而不必每次进行小的更改时都发布新版本的my-library

Take the following workflow for example:以以下工作流程为例:

  1. I make a change to my-library .我对my-library进行了更改。 The change is still in development so I don't want to publish it to all my consumers yet, but I do want to test it locally.更改仍在开发中,因此我还不想将其发布给所有消费者,但我确实想在本地进行测试。
  2. I run npm pack to create a local .tgz file.我运行npm pack来创建一个本地.tgz文件。
  3. In one of my dependent projects, say my-consumer I update the package.json to reference this local .tgz file.在我的一个依赖项目中,比如说my-consumer ,我更新了package.json以引用这个本地.tgz文件。 "my-library": "file:../some/path/my-package.tgz"
  4. I run npm install in my-consumer and my local package is not installed and I can test my app.我在my-consumer中运行npm install并且我的本地包没有安装,我可以测试我的应用程序。

Now, there isn't anything apparently wrong with the aforementioned steps, but say I am very quickly iterating on my-library and I want to make and test changes very quickly.现在,上述步骤没有任何明显错误,但是说我正在非常快速地迭代my-library ,并且我想非常快速地进行和测试更改。 Is there any way I can make the above process go faster?有什么办法可以使上述过程更快? Running pack and install for every little change takes time and is much slower than if this were hot-reloading.为每一个小改动运行打包和安装都需要时间,而且比热重载要慢得多。 Can I configure my package.json in my-consumer to use a cached version of my-library that is not in the node_modules folder and skip some of the above steps?我可以在my-consumer中配置我的 package.json 以使用不在 node_modules 文件夹中的缓存版本的my-library并跳过上述一些步骤吗? I also don't want this to introduce any dependency issues.我也不希望这会引入任何依赖问题。

I'm using npm/yarm link for that.我正在为此使用 npm/yarm 链接。 it allows you to symlink your library to your project, and therefore have the most updated code without any publish and install.它允许您将库符号链接到您的项目,因此无需任何发布和安装即可拥有最新的代码。

Basically the syntax is:基本上语法是:

cd /path/to/lib
yarn link
cd /path/to/project
yarn link myLibName

Take a look at the yarn link docs .看看yarn link文档

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