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在 ArcGIS 运行时显示自定义符号

[英]Displaying Custom Symbols in ArcGIS runtime

Hi i am new to arcgis and i want to display my custom symbol of 3d type with .obj format on a layer of data, i would like to display this particular symbol in all of the layer data's 2d points.嗨,我是 arcgis 的新手,我想在数据层上显示我的 .obj 格式的 3d 类型自定义符号,我想在所有层数据的 2d 点中显示这个特定符号。

I know how to convert 2D Points using renderer to 3D I also know that to convert the custom made symbol into arcgis runtime i will have to use model scene symbol.我知道如何使用渲染器将 2D 点转换为 3D 我也知道要将自定义符号转换为 arcgis 运行时,我将不得不使用模型场景符号。 I thought that publishing the symbol and using it would work but i came to know that it is the process for javascript api not runtime我认为发布符号并使用它会起作用,但我开始知道这是 javascript api 的过程而不是运行时

Can anyone tell me how to use the custom made symbol into the layer of data?谁能告诉我如何在数据层中使用自定义符号?

First, let me clarify that you cannot use 3D model symbols to symbolize layers in map(2D).首先,让我澄清一下,您不能使用 3D 模型符号来符号化 map(2D) 中的图层。 But if you have custom symbols, you can use those symbol in ArcGIS Pro and create a mobile stylx file.但如果您有自定义符号,则可以在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用这些符号并创建一个移动 stylx 文件。 Then you can open the stylx file in runtime to symbolize the features.然后,您可以在运行时打开 stylx 文件以符号化特征。 See following topics for more information有关更多信息,请参阅以下主题

https://developers.arcgis.com/net/api-reference/api/net/Esri.ArcGISRuntime/Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology.SymbolStyle.html https://developers.arcgis.com/net/api-reference/api/net/Esri.ArcGISRuntime/Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology.SymbolStyle.html

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